Gov scrap brass

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Resold I assume

I would imagine that a jobber buys in that quantity. Then he sorts, repacks, and sells it to these small outfits we find all over the web. They in turn sell it off to us.
I can't picture any shooter buying that much brass for himself. I shoot a LOT. but even I couldn't use up that much. Besides it would fill up the basement and the wife would shoot me. ha ha
That's something I was kind of wondering about. And the bins they have most of it in aren't included in the deal, so it'll be dumped into your bins for shipping, which means that a decent amount of it will be messed up then. I've been told you can fix a bent mouth, but dents in the body would be a problem.
13690 lbs of that .223 works out to a mere 999,390 pieces of .223 brass! A small sample of mil .223 bras I have averages out to 96 grains per case. I didn't do a figure on the other brass, but it would be a lot! Not something the average reloader would be interested in, like was said the buyer would have to be set up to sort it or offer it unsorted in much smaller lots to buyers like midway. There would be nothing wrong with any of this brass, except it would all need the primer crimp to be removed. Any body dents will fire form out, as long as there's no deep nick associated with it.

With the price of brass going nuts, I doubt this will ever see our reloading set ups.
You should realize that the DRMO sold brass is being purchased by recyclers and maybe even ammunition manufacturers like Black Hills and not the regular consumer.
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