Grand'pa Jack Booklets

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Jul 4, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I recently discovered the Grand'pa Jack booklets from JPFO and think they are outstanding. As long time member of the NRA and several other pro-gun organizations, I had never heard of JPFO but, after learning of them I wish to tell anyone who cares about the 2nd Amendment, this organization has some of the best "share" literature I have ever seen.

The Grand'pa Jack booklets are concise, easy to understand and very factual. They take the wind out of the sails of the anti-gun anti self-defense crowd and should be read by everybody.

I highly recommend this excellent organization and commend them for the quality of their literature.

Charlotte, NC
I love them too! I have all 7. Sadly, it looks like they will not be a # 8. per the JPFO, the illustrator died and there are no future books planned as of now.
I have # 8

Angio, I am sorry to learn that the person who did the excellent illustrations died. I do, however, have # 8. I think if you will contact them directly you can obtain a copy.

All of the booklets are great for passing along to friends and family as well as older children. The one on the Bill of Rights is the best summary I have read concerning this very important document.

While some may complain about JPFO being "too" something or other the question back is, "well, what have YOU done to protect our rights?"

I think it is very easy for anyone to sit back, comfortably at their computer, and find fault with actions taken by another. The key word there is, "actions" - they are doing something.

From what I have learned so far, this organization has my respect.

Charlotte, NC
Check with JPFO. I recently joined them, and found I could get all eight grampa jack booklets for 32$,,,,, I also discovered that for 38$ I could get ten copies of each of the eight booklets ( 80 booklets). I left them in barber shops, in the break room at work, my docs office, and I often just dropped one at random, any where there was a waiting area, with reading material.

I think they are good propaganda for our side. Please get some, and pass them around.
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