Group Purchases with engraving

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May 17, 2007
traverse city, mi
I am currently stationed overseas in Afghanistan, and not slated to return home until Oct/Nov 2011. My company has decided to partake in the DPMS Group Purchase Program, where we will order a mass amount of unit-engraved M4s and AR-10s, all personally purchased with our own funds if we desire one or the other. The problem is the current POC for the company has decided on a disaster of a unit emblem to be engraved on the lower receiver. My platoon has decided on a much more appropriate logo which generated enough interest to get at least 37 soldiers wanting one with this one instead of the original design. Our POC has stated that his contact in DPMS said they will only allow ONE design per company, and I have emailed DPMS roughly a week ago inquiring this, and have not received a response. I find it hard to believe that they would not do a totally separate purchase with the new engraving, given an 8-9 month time frame. Does anyone know the fine line of their program, if this is current policy to only do one order? Given this will be a totally separate order I find it hard to believe, that maybe our current POC is full of crap and is just trying to get credit for this whole deal.
In any case, as a backup plan, are there any other companies that would offer similar deals in case this one falls through?
happily, DPMS has responded and said they can help fulfill our order

many thanks to WNTFW for offering assistance. sorry i was not able to respond due to my current mission tempo
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