Growing Public Support for Gun Rights

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The sad thing is that even though support is growing in favor of gun rights people are still not getting out to vote. That and money from Bloomberg and Gates help push poorly defined initiatives like 594 in WA. It's easier for the anti gunners to get the low information voters to vote for bills with feel good names that create hurdle after hurdle for someone trying to enjoy their rights.
To me, the polls only reminds one of how many are swayed by the emotional moment than by common sense.
This shows me that educating the masses on the positives of gun ownership and making gun owners aware of the threat to their 2nd Amendment Rights is working. I594 is an example of folks that weren't educated on the referendum they were voting on, the apathy of other gun owners that did not think their vote was needed and a good showing of folks at the polls that supported it. Gun owners in other states need to learn from this.
And this is why the anti crowd pushes so hard for anti-gun legislation to be passed before the bodies are even cool. When people have time to think about all the ramifications of legislation, they usually realize that's another constitutionally guaranteed right that will be taken away from them. It's surely a slippery slope, and once started, it's very hard to put the brakes on halfway down the mountain.
As above, the NY SAFE act.

What is happening is that the casual shooter who was comfortable in his "entitlement" now understands that HIS rights are finally being assaulted.

When they read and see actual infringement of the right to keep and bear blued steel and walnut it finally sinks in. They figured they had a pass on all the hullabaloo because the anti gunners were previously dead set on outlawing those deadly assault rifles with shoulder thingys that go up. They didn't like them either, good riddance.

Now guns THEY own, and the demographic mix has changed, they want to outlaw WHAT? Hence the .22LR shortage, which is an indication of their reaction. No military or self defense application whatsoever, but they created that panic. Not the black T shirt MSR survivalists.

Their selfishness and lack of support has now come home to roost, just the same as discovering the King jacked up the tea tax and they have to pay it too. What, no rebate for his loyal subjects? What do you mean we have to quarter those ruffians in our house and feed them, too? I don't want them around our women folks!

They are starting to wake up and they don't like what they see. Our warnings that they would be included all along weren't heeded, NOW they are listening.

Let's welcome them even as late to the party as they are. We all want the same thing.
Yeap, My belief that the internet and not being reliant on the news media has helped alot. Not to mention we are right and our argument is sound.
Yeap, My belief that the internet and not being reliant on the news media has helped alot. Not to mention we are right and our argument is sound.

The Internet is making a huge difference. The anti-gunners have long been well organized with decent communication amongst themselves. That has not been the case on the other side of the fence and the Internet is helping to remedy that.
I can remember when 95% of the news was funneled to America through the "Big Three", PBS, the local papers and periodical news mags. Essentially, most news was funneled through a leftist/anti 2nd filter. Those vents are now dying in the shade of the internet.

My news sources went from Dan Rather, to Ted Turner, to satellite and now strictly internet. In that order. Only other programming is what I select on Netflix. An awesome thing to be able to do my own unfiltered news intake. My fellow Americans are doing the same, it would appear. Fox News' tagline is "We Report, You Decide". I would disagree. With the net now it's more like: "I'll investigate, I'll Decide". :D
I think there is absolutely no doubt that voter sentiment is leans heavily "pro gun". Despite the spate of high profile shootings that have happened in the last several years, gun rights (as a whole) have increased dramatically. I can remember back in the '80s when FL passed a VERY controversial (for the time) CCW law. It was HUGE news. Now, every state in the union has some sort of CCW law. The Supreme Court struck down Chicago's longtime handgun ban, and refuses to even hear 2A cases anymore.

How do you think gun rights would have fared if Sandy Hook happened during Reagan or Clinton?
I made a statement earlier on another post that NY was a "Soft Target" to anyone who wanted to bring harm to America. I.E. extremely restrictive gun laws. Some thought I was off the mark. So be it.

Now, Some rube went after people in a chocolate and coffee shop in Australia, causing death and destruction. In 1996 the government of Australia took guns away from their citizens and turned them into sitting ducks.

I dont want to use lethal force as a way to survive, but if I have to I will.

That is why I train and learn and think about this long and hard.


be safe
The sad truth is , that we, law abiding , gun owning, Americans will have to fight to keep our rights forever more.
Our first obstacle is of course the mostly uninformed news media whose SOLE PURPOSE is to create hysteria as a way to sell their garbage.
The next thing is of course our wishy-washy political "leaders" whose sole purpose is THEIR OWN political adgenda and NOT the wishes of their electorate.
Our Government IS corrupt!
Thank Providence for the Big,Bad, N.R.A.
The sad truth is , that we, law abiding , gun owning, Americans will have to fight to keep our rights forever more.
Our first obstacle is of course the mostly uninformed news media whose SOLE PURPOSE is to create hysteria as a way to sell their garbage.
The next thing is of course our wishy-washy political "leaders" whose sole purpose is THEIR OWN political adgenda and NOT the wishes of their electorate.
Our Government IS corrupt!
Thank Providence for the Big,Bad, N.R.A.
While positive, this poll doesn't really predict how people will vote on individual candidates and issues. Here on THR I'm amazed at the prevalence of an "I support the 2A, but" attitude supporting background checks, "gun free" zones, etc.
Here on THR I'm amazed at the prevalence of an "I support the 2A, but" attitude supporting background checks, "gun free" zones, etc.

Folks are entitled to their opinions and have a right to express those opinions. I believe it is protected by the Amendment directly before the RKBA. If those opinions are so prevalent on a gun forum, think of how prevalent they must be in the world outside of gun forums.
"The sad truth is , that we, law abiding , gun owning, Americans will have to fight to keep our rights forever more."

Maybe the solution is to cherish the fight itself? We don't have to fight for the right to party; we get to! :)

Just another viewpoint!
When EXISTING Gun Legislation starts being ENFORCED to the letter, the guilty ones WILL be incarcerated and a new message will be delivered to the inner city creeps who,at present,. do as they please
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