Guitar made from a gun

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reminds me of an old Cheech and Chong bit about a duo of British rockers, went something like this-

[Chong, answering a reporter's question about using music for social change] It's like, it's like a weapon, man, like me guitars a weapon....[/Chong]

[Cheech] A weapon for change, man, a rock revolution![/Cheech]




I once took a surplus M1 Abrams gun tube and made it into a flute.

For whom? Mick Jagger? funnypostabove.gif
I remember seeing some western a while back with a guy who had a lever gun concealed under a banjo...
He got in a duel with it...shot the guy with the banjo...fell down on his bum, and started playing it. =D
The strategy seems to be working. In January, Colombian Vice President Francisco Santos promised López 12 AK-47 assault rifles, the first three from a 2-year-old peace process between the government and right-wing paramilitaries -- known by their acronym AUC -- that has led to the demobilization of about 24,000 fighters and the surrender of thousands of weapons.
Now I'd like to get some of THAT action! I'd be sure to put a portion of the rifles 'aside'... er.. for spare musical instrument parts o'course:evil:

"Why are there only 6 instruments when you gave me 12 AK-47s? I need the parts of two rifles to build one cacophonictar. Bah, what do you know about musical instrument design:rolleyes: "
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