Gun ban question

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A lot of people must have put a lot of trust in him or there would be no way that a black man with a terrorist sounding name and almost no experience would be elected as the president of the United States.

Nevermind that Hitler wasn't really elected - he was appointed Chancellor, convinced Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag, and just before there were supposed to be elections - look at this, a fire at the Reichstag building! In the name of national security, political opponents were rounded up, arrested, deported, shot, and banned from being involved in any government affairs.
What Hitler did to finally gain power was essentially a long drawn out militant coup. Far from any semblance of an election. By the time there was any election of hitler (i don't recall off hand if there was or not) there were no political opponents that would dare rise up against Hitler or the Nazis.
Although, Ironically enough - the only group to stand up to Hitler and the Enabling act (which lead the way for his takeover later on) was the "Social Democrats" of the Reichstag.

President Paul von Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934. Rather than holding new presidential elections, Hitler's cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state to Hitler as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military, whose officers then swore an oath not to the state or the constitution but to Hitler personally.

Anybody who makes a comparison of Obama to Hitler - in my opinion, should go back and retake High School World History class. When people make statements like that - I cannot take them seriously.
Lone Gunman said:
The idea that the Democrats are no longer interested in gun control is ludicrous and naive.

You can count on the gunshow loophole being closed this term.

You can count on the end of private sales this term.

You can count on a new permanent AWB either this term or next term.

Who do you think is going to stand up in Congress for your gun rights?

OK then: What are you planning to do about it?
My strategy is to join the democratic party and make them less "bad".
Then you win either way.
You want to vote R? Fine, go ahead. They'll still be what they are without you voting in their primary and you can still vote for the republican guy in the "real" election anyway. No real harm done.
But if you could get enough people to join the other party and pull them back to center you'd still wind up with an acceptable guy in office regardless of who won.

shooter429 said:
Oh, no. You voted for Osama, didn't you. Shame. there goes our country. I just don't see how anybody with a conscience could vote for a liberal Democrat. Communism and fascism are bad. switch to the freedom party.

That's part of our problem.
I don't know you but I'll make the assumption for the purpose of this discussion that you're probably a somewhat reasonable person. I could probably talk guns and poltitics with you over a beer.
When you exclusively support a "little" party, the big parties don't hear your (reasonable, gun loving)voice. Right now the fact is that one of them will win (although the Republicans seem to be doing a damn fine job of making themselves into a little party). I understand the reasons for voting for a third party if that's what your conscience dictates and I've even done it myself. I'll probably do it again.
But at the least, why not choose the party that sucks the most and use the ballot box to try to make their candidates more tolerable via primary elections?
Even put a little pressure on them with the ol' "I'm a registered Democrat and I don't want anymore gun laws" type of letter?
Realistically, what do we stand to lose?
Realistically, what do we stand to lose?

Uh....lets see.....America?

Welcome to the Obamanation....USSA

I see what confidence the stock market has in our upcoming messiah the tank and only 7995 points to go.
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