Gun Ban Solutions

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Apr 16, 2007
Stopping gun bans would/could be a simple process if ALL gun owners would stick together and boycott any product or service from Areas of the country that have or support strong gun laws. If it comes from Ca. or Ma. or NYC, Chicago etc. etc don't purchase it.

This probably isn't going to happen for a number of reasons but I believe it would work if several million gun owners would stick to their guns so to speak and support Self imposed economic sanctions. Things would change to a very large degree in maybe a matter of days to a few months at the most.
Last I heard California was the worlds fifth largest economy, several million lost consumers would hurt in a hurry.
I for one would support such actions, even now I try my best to not buy from any company that supports gun control.

Maybe it's time we all stopped whining an complaining and did something about it.
Whatdaya think people?
Maybe it's time we all stopped whining an complaining and did something about it.
Whatdaya think people?

Hey I got an idea! Why don't we put our time and energy into activism that will get the idiots that write these laws thrown out of office!

You think Daley cares if we don't buy Illinois cheese (or whatever the heck comes from IL)?

No, they care about votes.

If you can't control votes, nothing else will work. There are not enough of us to make an impact the way you suggest.
I think that those in control will do anything they please, regardless of what we think. If you havent been paying attention, especially for these last 20 years or so, they are well on the way and with no real opposition. One more generation and its all pretty much done.
Great idea, but as you mentioned, not very practical.
Hey I got an idea! Why don't we put our time and energy into activism that will get the idiots that write these laws thrown out of office!
Yes I agree with both of you but we Do need to begin somewhere and what really gets those gun grabbing politicians voted in? MONEY! Without it you sadly don't have a chance at wining in todays world, that and a more educated public is what is needed.
I just had a fledgling idea lets hear more. If you really want something done, ya gotta do it yourself. We need to preserve our freedoms ourselves as the organizations suppose to be seeing to that ain't getting the job done.

Look what happened to Mr. Zumbo, we are a force to be reckoned with if we will stand as one.
Amendment 2 in Colorado

Once Amendment 2 passed in Colorado there were some very effective, though short lived, boycotts.

"They wouldn't drink our tea. Or our beer.

Movie stars shunned our ski slopes. Big cities coast-to-coast ordered their officials not to travel here. Conventions were cancelled. A lucrative Stephen King movie wound up being filmed in Utah.

Most painfully, Colorado was dubbed "the Hate State."

"Those were really emotional times," lawyer Tim Tymkovich recalls of the furious battle that raged nationwide over Colorado's Amendment 2 in 1992."

I'm for a focused boycott. I buy guns, gear and ammo and would look disparagingly on a company that does business in California after this.
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