Gun belts - the dark side

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Nov 8, 2010
South OK
Long story short I got into some trouble the other day. Nothin major but definitely somethin I shouldnt of done. My dad looked right at me and said "son you pull a stunt like that again yer gonna git a gunbelt whippin." and I don't think he was foolin around either. Older generation on here yall ever heard of a gunbelt whippin and if so is it somethin worse than death itself? LOL :eek:
Sounds about as bad as "Go pick your own switch and then I'm going to beat you with it" type statements made by parents. I know people who when they were kids had to go pick out the branch then got hit with and if it wasnt big enough they had to go get another one, so they had to pick big :what:
Naw, more bruising, as the 'gun belts' tend to be a bit sturdier than your usual Chinese pleather belt.

But I'd probably have taken one of those over my grandma's 'go pick your switch'
Been there. More then once.

A razor strop is worst then any heavy belt according to my daddy.
I'm really disappointed there wasn't more child-beating in my family so I could comment on something like this...
My Dad used to wear those wide, heavy Western belts. They were most persuasive.

These days, you'd be hauled off to court and your gun-owning days would likely be over.
These days, you'd be hauled off to court and your gun-owning days would likely be over.
`Tis a shame too. People wonder why kids are so buck-wild these days. Nowhere near enough whoopin's gettin' passed around. :D
Sounds about as bad as "Go pick your own switch and then I'm going to beat you with it" type statements made by parents. I know people who when they were kids had to go pick out the branch then got hit with and if it wasnt big enough they had to go get another one, so they had to pick big :what:
Had to pick my switch out more than once. My grandmother also used bolo paddles, yardsticks and wooden spoons on my brother and I.
If an adult uses a tool to beat a young child, that adult should lose his right to bear arms, and his right to vote.
When i pushed my dad to "snapping" point he would just reach for his belt-line and i'd flinch !! I knew what was comin, and luckily he wore more of a dress-belt so it was thin and didnt transmit the full power of his swing to my behind.
I couldnt imagine hitting my children with a belt MUCH LESS my heavy gun-belt, I have found that just a un-expected slap across the lips (not hard) gets their attention and they never have repeated the behavior again,, Your right CraigC, most of the current generation got "timeouts",, never really got scared of repeating bad behavior or respect for an authority figure, IMHO
If an adult uses a tool to beat a young child, that adult should lose his right to bear arms, and his right to vote.

Why is that a problem? Parents have hit their kids with all kinds of objects for a long time and the kids were fine. I have been hit as I was growing up and I'm not tramatized or anything bad.
If an adult uses a tool to beat a young child, that adult should lose his right to bear arms, and his right to vote.
This is EXACTLY what is wrong with the youth of america.
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