Gun building tutorial

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Aug 11, 2005
Elbert County, CO
I finally got around to doing a step-by-step video on a very basic single shot design, for any of you who are interested in taking up the hobby.

I'll do a more advanced build completely on film at some point, but I need to get some decent photo editing software first, as it's one thing to do a 1-1/2 hour build in real time, quite another to film my more typical builds that take anywhere from 30-150 hours. But it's a starter, meant to inspire and help assuage the apprehensions many have about making a boomstick.

This is what the finished product looks like, although the wood grip panels, rear sight and painting were done after the video:


Just to forewarn, it's over 80 minutes total.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Mark Serbu also has plans for sale for his GB-22, which is another very simple open bolt single shot design, albeit a more time consuming build than this one.
MachIVshooter, Thank you for posting this. I really enjoy all of your build posts. I'll be checking these videos out in full later tonight.
Me being me, I got bored waiting on parts yesterday, and decided to make this thing just a bit more functional. Still a bare bones, KISS design, but adding an extractor & ejector legitimizes it a bit :D The chamber got tight after welding, and even re-reaming it, it was still a little difficult to extract cases with a fingernail, which annoyed me.

A pretty easy "upgrade" for those who have a mill. AR style plunger ejector, standard pivoting extractor. Wings the cases 12-15'!

Of course, in this photo you can see the price of not doing good surface prep before painting :oops:


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