Gun Cabinet - This appears to be a very good price?

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Aug 11, 2009
I need to get a gun cabinet. I really would like a more substancial safe but I just can't swallow the $750+ price tag right now for something that is decent. Additionally, I really don't have anywhere to put a larger safe at this point. Also, with this size, I can stick it in a corner of a closet where it will be largely concealed and be able to bolt it to two walls and the floor.

That leaves me with a gun cabinet. I have children at home and need to get some long guns that I recently aquired and future handguns in a locked cabinet.

I found this at Dicks for $129.

I have searched several other retailers and it seems like this price is at least $50 less if not alot more.

Does it appear to be a good price to you.
I think it is. However, you can get an used office cabinet for less and with a little woodwork, can store guns efficiently at a cheaper price. Like other members said, don't tell anyone you've got guns and camouflage your cabinet.
Yeah, Dick's has the best sale price on this item right now. This is the time and they are the place to buy this cabinet.

I'm sure you realize that this cabinet is quite simple and can be quickly breached with ease, but it'll keep the kids out. Like Gary indicated, there are a number of ways to add to its security. I'd also recommend that you keep a VERY detailed inventory of everything that is in it, as goes with most all the valuables in your home. If you can make a video record IN ADDITION to a detailed inventory list, you will have a good resource of information to take to your insurance company if the worst ever happens.
I purchased one of these at Dick's about a year and a half ago for just a little less than that.

IMHO, if installed correctly (in the end of a closset where there's no room to apply a pry bar would be ideal) they are pretty decent security for the money.

Like you, my real purpose it to keep the kiddies safe and placate my wifes concerns.

Still, one of the best security measures is the cheapest..... namely, don't go advertising to the world that you posses a lot of firearms.

One thing about that RSC.... I don't think there's any way you could get 14 long guns in there.
"One thing about that RSC.... I don't think there's any way you could get 14 long guns in there. "

Thanks for the personal testimony. I kinda figured that and was shooting for something about double of what I needed. Besides, this price is about the same as the reg price of the 8 gun models.
It sounds like you have a realistic attitude. I bought one of the Stack-On "safes" sight unseen on sale once for overflow milsurp rifles and felt truly ripped off when it arrived. What a POS. As long as you consider the thing nothing more than a lockable gun cabinet, made to keep your kids out of your guns, you will be fine. It will provide absolutely no security for your guns against a burglar.

One problem with getting something that is twice what you need, those empty slots start talking to you, telling you they need to be filled.
"One problem with getting something that is twice what you need, those empty slots start talking to you, telling you they need to be filled. "

Yes and in the other ear is my wife. :)
I purchased the same safe for the same purpose. Keep the wife happy and keep the future children out. I don't expect it to do more than that.
It's fine for basic security, especially if it's inside a closet that you can lock as well. I think that unit is actually on sale for less in the store right now - was there earlier today, I know the 8 gun is on sale for 89, forget what they had the 14 tagged for.
I have one, but mine is the double door unit. I keep it in the basement, bolted to the floor and wall. Its more to keep the kids out than anything. It would give a thief a bit of trouble but nothing 15 minutes and a crow bar wouldn't take care of. I do like the space of the double door unit,as it allows me space for ammo and powders (can imagine what the 15 year old could do with it). I also got the floor model, reduced the cost by $30 and I used a coupon for 20% as well.
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