Gun Control Commercial

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Apr 23, 2009
Spokane, WA
This has probably been posted before, but I got it in an email today and thought it was worth sharing.

The reason why we need gun control -

It makes criminals jobs so much more difficult.

I also got another forward of a guy who shot himself in the foot with a 45, if you want to see that one let me know. Its a little graphic.
Thats scary to think.... how bad crims are.... Powerful video!

Just think, crims would be out more if guns where banned.... We would have no way to defend ourselfs...
You never know what is allowed and what is not.

PRO gun and rights threads are generally tolerated.

ANTI gun and rights threads are sometimes, depending on relevance and politeness level.

Simple news stories that happen to involve a gun are usually not. Just because the word "gun" shows up in a news article doesn't mean it has a point relevant to gun rights or gun technology.

Substitute "Idiot drives car through Wal Mart" for "Idiot shoots gun in Wal Mart" and what's the difference really, at the end of the day? Stupid people are everywhere.

Anyway, the video has a pro gun message delivered in a funny manner and doesn't offend anyone. That's pretty high road to me.
how is that "Spot On"?

take that walmart gun shooting example you gave. You know it does give situational awareness to gun owners, ccw's, open carry....

Also sometimes articles like that show what can and will happen to someone who defended themselves or if they used their CCW in a defensive situation.
If only this could run on network television as a public service announcement. But I don't think you could even pay the networks to run it.
take that walmart gun shooting example you gave. You know it does give situational awareness to gun owners, ccw's, open carry....

No it doesn't, it tells the story of an idiot playing with his gun in Wal Mart and blowing a hole in the ceiling. How does that advance the pro gun cause?
I'm fairly certain that the picture is meant in jest. Also, I'm fairly certain it has nothing to to do with the original topic of this thread.

This forum is crazy... You never know what is allowed and what is not. So many threads locked that ARE gun related, but somehow those aren't appropriate for this place but stuff like this is?

color me confused i guess

TONS more like it...

A lot of threads get locked for people taking the discussion off topic from the OP. It seems like a lot of the time if something is border line whether its on topic or not, the mods will let there be a discussion for awhile, then lock it once there has been a decent discussion about it.

The walmart thread would have made an interesting S&T scenario, but for general discussion there isn't much to say, he was stupid.

So if we could get your opinions on the video I posted it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
The commercial (parody) is spot on. However, a lot of folks that support gun control seem to believe that if guns are illegal, criminals will magically obey those laws for some reason. The video doesn't touch on that fact. A lot of folks don't seem to think it all the way through to get the idea that violent criminals won't need gun shops, gun shows, etc to get guns.
The video did touch on that, but only with one line. he said something along the lines of "if all guns were illegal why would i care? i make a living breaking the law."
I thought it purveyed the message quite well.

The problem is: We the choir listen and heed; the congregation walks.
It would make for a spectacularly persuasive video to interview people, especially women and elderly people, who have successfully defended themselves with guns.

There are hundreds if not thousands of examples from the past few years where law-abiding citizens have been attacked and successfully used guns to end the attack, yet we so rarely hear from them. All too often we hear a lot of conjecture about what "might" happen if we loosen the restrictive gun laws in some areas.

I've heard anti 2A folks in New York make the "Dodge City" argument, and that one always seems to get into print, but an interview with a 98 pound single mom who used a gun to ward off a home-invader never gets into mainstream print.

Not to drift OT, but at least the Wal-Mart incident yielded no casualties, which means it will slip from the public eye pretty quickly.

Since the thread refers to getting people to think, I suppose someone would do well to point out that this tells only part of the story. The hardest, most violent criminals are sure to be for gun control.

But what about criminals in other parts of the spectrum? More "casual" criminals (for want of a word)? We do know that many criminals obtain firearms through straw puchases, family members, theft, etc. If guns were illegal, straw purchases wouldn't exist. The number of guns available through family members and theft would be fewer, just because there would be fewer guns out there.

It wouldn't necessarily do anything about the criminals with the most desire, because guns aren't going to be eliminated. But it raises the cost for citizens and criminals alike and "softer" criminals are likely to be priced out.

I'm not saying that demanding our uninfringed right to self-defense is wrong, but we should measure and remember that cost. Perhaps it is cost more to our fellow citizens who disagree (and choose not to own or carry firearms), who can less readily defend themselves in a world of weapons. But it is a cost.
wmeSha, if guns were illegal it would only alter the methods criminals use to obtain them. It would not mean there'd be any fewer guns in circulation -- not in criminal circulation, that is.
Look at Washington DC. For decades possessing a gun there was, for all intents and purposes, illegal. Yet criminals and criminal gangs had plenty of guns.
Even now there is an underground "blackmarket" in guns that criminals use. In some areas, it is even possible for criminals to "rent" guns --- after a fashion -- then they turn them back in. This means they're less likely to have the firearm in their possession should the police nab them. It also makes the guns harder to track down.
Yes, our freedoms have a "cost." But doing away with our freedoms (and I realize you're not advocating that) would not necessarily make the cost go down ... it might very well make the situation much worse.
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