Gun control logic

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Jun 16, 2007
Behind the Daley Curtain (IL)
I thought of an analogy to the logic behind gun control. I'm trying to work it into a concise and pointed statement that could be a T-shirt, bumper sticker or poster. Here goes:

A farmer finds his sheep are being killed by wolves. To solve the problem, he follows Brady Bunch logic and has the veterinarian pull all of his sheep's teeth. Problem solved!
Insert this between the 2 sentences:

" He finds that some of the sheep are growing fangs in response. And they are angry with him for not protecting them better. This makes him very uneasy."
Bumper sticker length.

Maybe shorten the verbiage to something like this:

If your sheep were being eaten by wolves, would you pull their teeth or the wolves'?
I'm in line with the anti-totalitarian nature of gun rights, to be sure. However, that's not the point I'm illustrating with my analogy. The point is about the relationship between crime (the wolves) and the weapons (teeth), and how it makes no sense to relieve the victims (the sheep) of their weapons. But since you don't control the wolf, you can't pull his teeth and the sheep are still in danger despite your best tooth control.
The point is about the relationship between crime (the wolves) and the weapons (teeth), and how it makes no sense to relieve the victims (the sheep) of their weapons. But since you don't control the wolf, you can't pull his teeth and the sheep are still in danger despite your best tooth control.

Oh, no, the omnipotent sheep dog will always be there to prevent a wolf attack. Those uppity sheep would probably just bite eachother if they were allowed to keep their teeth.
The government passing legislation to disarm criminals is like a mute ordering a blind man about in sign language.

Sheep dogs are to keep sheep in line, not wolves at bay :p
So that's actually a pretty good analogy.
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Farmer? Sheep?

We need a different metaphor.

The farmer OWNS the sheep.

They are property.

The metaphor is broken out of the gate.

So, we can do different kinds of animals or whatever, but the moment the guy responsible for their safety OWNS them, we've got problems.

Kings and princes and emperors and stuff.
Gun free zone == Unarmed victim zone.

Gun control, the theory that a 110 pound women has the right to fight hand to hand with a 210 pound rapist. (paraphrased from someone's sig right here on THR)

A gun is a tool. No more, no less. Just like a hammer can be used to destroy or build, a gun can be used as an offensive or defensive weapon.

Take a look around here ( ) for some ideas.
Those uppity sheep would probably just bite eachother if they were allowed to keep their teeth.
More importantly, they might get uppity with the farmer.
We need a different metaphor.

The farmer OWNS the sheep.

They are property.

The metaphor is broken out of the gate.
On the contrary, the metaphor is completely accurate - from the point of view of Boxstein & Co. We ARE sheep, and we exist to be sheared (and occasionaly slaughtered), and our shepherds grow quite uneasy if we show signs of growing fangs.
My personal favorite (stolen from somewhere):

"Gun control is like trying to prevent drunk driving by keeping sober people from buying cars"
Gun Control is based upon flawed "If..Then" arguments. It is a textbook case of a logical fallacy.
A farmer's sheep are being attacked by wolves. The sheep beat back the wolves with tooth and hoof. The farmer, seeing the dead and wounded wolves, worry that the sheep might take their newfound ability, become violent because of it, and do the same to each other. He has their teeth pulled and their hooves filed off, knowing that he and the sheepdog are there to protect the sheep. One night, as the farmer and sheepdog sleep, the wolves creep in. The sheep raise a mighty cry. The farmer and sheepdog race to the rescue only to find all the sheep dead, killed and eaten by the wolves in the few minutes it took to arrive.

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Brad said:
A farmer's sheep are being attacked by wolves. The sheep beat back the wolves with tooth and hoof. The farmer, seeing the dead and wounded wolves, worry that the sheep might take their newfound ability, become violent because of it, and do the same to each other. He has their teeth pulled and their hooves filed off, knowing that he and the sheepdog are there to protect the sheep. One night, as the farmer and sheepdog slept, the wolves crept in. The sheep raised a mighty cry. The farmer and sheepdog raced to the rescue only to find all the sheep dead, killed and eaten by the wolves in the few minutes it took to arrive.


Dah Winnar!!! :D :D
Alien life form:

" Captain: Dissarmament would be illogical!!! It would expose
the ship to enemy fire. "

" I agree Mr.Spock. We must preserve the life on this ship at all costs!"

Lock phasers on the enemy vessel and prepare to fire!!"

CONCLUSION: The preservation of life is logical.
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