Gun Control working in Chicago!

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Politically it's absolutely critical that the gun itself take the blame.

If there is any hint that the social policies or criminal justice system has failed the house of cards falls.

What kills me is that people continue to fall for that nonsense, and actually believe it's the gun's fault.
Summer time and weekends in Chicago are usually the most violent.

"The shootings occurred between 6:15 a.m. Saturday and just before 6 a.m. Sunday."

Cook County is the land of Daley. Enough reason that I never go there.
Sebastian's right.

Banned guns means banned violence.

What's the problem?
Tiller gets shot and Obama is right there to condemn it, but 7 people murdered in his home town and he says nothing. I see where everyone ranks on Obamas list of improtant people.:barf:
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