Gun Control?

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I think there are some with a larger agenda who want "complete control". Others are just stooge follower, bleeding heart sheep types who are being used to keep the drumbeat going for "gun control". Chip, chip, chip away on behalf of those with the larger agenda.

IMO...When those of us finally say we've had enough and tell our government that we will not allow them to use our tax dollars to buy the votes of the lazy and the sheep who keep them in power. At that point, if you are unarmed and in the minority (non-sheep) you will have no choice but to accept their vision for you. However, if we are armed with more that rocks and sticks, well this complicates things for their absolute power and ideological kingdom.

If they try to go too fast with their agenda, people will notice, thus the slow grinding chip, chip away where it's noticed not so much...
Note that "they" have started to re-brand the movement as "gun violence prevention". I heard this first on NPR a couple weeks ago, and then again a few nights ago Roland Martin on CNN said the same thing.

I think that they realize that "control" is an ominous word and are trying to distance themselves from it.
Actually there are people who believe the proposed Federal gun control will reduce crime. Spoke to a guy yesterday who said he things the military style rifles should be illegal to own because they are only for killing people quickly and efficiently. He said he believed in the 2nd Amendment..... After some discussion about the topic, there was no convincing him otherwise and I told him he was a fence straddler and a person who picks and chooses what is legal or illegal is just setting himself up for what he things should be legal to become illegal the next time. He really didn't believe in 2A rights. I even asked him what the 2A meant, and he replied correctly. Just words to him...on what he considers an outdated piece of paper.
Gun control is not about keeping people from having guns.
Gun control is about keeping law-abiding people from having guns.
Revolutionaries and other criminals are not law-abiding, and politicians (and the bodyguards of politicians) are always exempt from following the laws that they write.

It's not gun control.
It's people control.
My wife has a good friend, who asked her why anyone would need a 30 round mag for hunting. I told wife to say "the second amendment is not about hunting" and to put it in context, the friend is a member of the Lakota Tribe, and Wounded Knee would have turned out differently, had the Sioux been armed with the same arms as the cavalry. She is a flaming lib, but she is a gun owner, so maybe that will turn her around on gun control.
It's what I've been saying all along. Arguing stats regarding crime going up after disarmament and what-not is pointless against the other side; they don't believe their argument any more than we do.

Our points still need to be made to the general population, though, because it's them that is being fed this drivel from the "gun control" crowd. We need to educate the public on two points: the fact that the other side's argument is merely propaganda, and the true agenda that propaganda is being used to conceal.
To play devils advocate for a moment. If I believe that gun control is a good thing. Lets say I think registration of all guns is good. A ban on military style weapons and 30 round or more magazines is a good thing. I also believe that this will reduce gun violence, You as a pro gun advocate manage to convince me that none of what I believe is going to make a difference. You haven't convinced me to change my anti gunness. Only that the proposed new laws don`t go far enough.

What do you think the next words out of my mouth are going to be?

I`ll tell you. Just ban all gun ownership period, end of story.
To play devils advocate for a moment. If I believe that gun control is a good thing. Lets say I think registration of all guns is good. A ban on military style weapons and 30 round or more magazines is a good thing. I also believe that this will reduce gun violence, You as a pro gun advocate manage to convince me that none of what I believe is going to make a difference. You haven't convinced me to change my anti gunness. Only that the proposed new laws don`t go far enough.

What do you think the next words out of my mouth are going to be?

I`ll tell you. Just ban all gun ownership period, end of story.

Ya... then then criminals still have guns.

So the Govt next step is to say:

"The only way to stop the criminals is to expand the Patriot Act so we can do more warrentless wire tapping and warrentless home invasio... I mean warrentless home searches.

Followed by: "If you're a law abiding citizen, you'll have nothing the worry about".
I very much agree that it is about control.

Most people really don't want responsibility or to have to make decisions, and are glad to let others make them. And there are always others quite willing to make decisions for other people, whether they want them to or not.

While most people don't want to admit that they want others to take care of them, they do, and then get quite insistent on it when others refuse. Look at Greece for an example.

We face a dangerous period of time in our Country, where we decide whether or not we will continue to be an independent people with the Government as our servant, or whether we become servants to our Government. Some say we have already passed that point, (I do not, but it is close) others clamor for it, claiming that only Government can keep us safe, healthy, fed, informed, and happy.

Such a Government can not tolerate people who do not acknowledge its dominance.
I`ll tell you. Just ban all gun ownership period, end of story.

No matter how radical left-wing indoctrinated they are they still know better that that...
So, you're asking... what is gun control about?

It is about disdain for those who "cling" to their guns as a source of power.

It is about their hatred for the people they percieve to be the gun culture (white, low-income, rural, uneducated).

It is ideological warfare, designed to break the will of the political resistance.

It is about demoralizing one's political opponents by desecrating the symbol of the group's identity.

It is about getting all the guns, by any means necessary.

It is about social justice, and removing the last vestige of power from the group that they believe is most responsible for the sins of America's past.

It is about demonization, because they must first hate us in order to justify taking what they know is our rightful liberty.

It is about scapegoating, because they won't be supported unless the masses can be convinced that dead children are our fault.

It is about ridicule, because they believe in their own cultural and intellectual superiority.

It is about emotion, because logic, reason and empirical data do not support them.

It is about making America less like its "shameful" past.

It is about making America more like countries that they percieve to be civilized.

It is about resenting the idea of America, and wanting to change it into something else.

It is about "progress".

It is about preaching the ideals of democracy, but harboring deep mistrust of your fellow man.

It is about promoting power to the people, but only meaning certain people.

It is about society as a zero-sum game, where power can only be given to the oppressed if it is relinquished by the oppressor.

It is about making you live with the fear and insecurity that they live with daily.

It is about removing barriers of resistance to a future that they know you will be tempted to resist.

It is about making you more like them, because they know they are right.

It is about people who think they know more than you doing something that they believe is for your own good.

It is about an egalitarian ideal from the 19th Century that they believe would work "if only done properly".

It is about egalite and fraternite above life and liberte.

It is about rewriting our history to pretend that America was always the thing that they intend to turn it into.

It is about the sense of power and delight that they would gain from watching you be disarmed.

It is about the fact that you cannot be trusted to comply.

It is about the simple fact that they do not like you.

It is about submission.

And compromise with them is nothing more than submission.
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