Gun politics

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THR Rules said:
We have learned from bitter experience that discussions of politics, abortion, religion, and sexual orientation often degenerate into less-than-polite arguments or claims that "my God is better than your God". For this reason, we do not discuss such subjects on THR, and any threads dealing primarily with these subjects will be closed or deleted immediately.

It has been tried here several times, in different ways. It doesn't work. We don't want to BE a politics debate board. We (speaking for the Staff) don't want to POLICE a politics debate board. It's enough to try to keep everyone civil and gentlemanly when discussion an issue we all love (guns). It's just brutal to strive for the same thing on the issue we all HATE (politics).
Just out of curiosity, why don't we have a gun politics section here on THR? After all, gun rights and politics go hand in hand these days. I can't see how burying our heads in the sand about the issues will help promote our rights. If there is a dedicated section for it, it will greatly cut down on the number of closed/wasted threads around here.

That's what the Activism and Activism/Discussion areas are for, but limited to actually DOING something rather than just talking about it.

In the years where political discussions took place I can't remember very many threads where the talk didn't turn to how one party or the other was responsible for all the evil gun laws on Earth.

That kind of discussion isn't helpful. Neither party carries enough weight alone to make substantive change, and giving the appearance of aligning ourselves with one party over another doesn't encourage cooperation. So, we end up accomplishing nothing.

End result was a decision to limit political discussions to things that are actionable and that concern specific legislation, and that is still very much encouraged.
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