Gun Show Loophole?

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It's mythical.

Media / gun-fearing-malcontent concoction based on the fact that you can go to a gun show and buy a gun from a private party with (horrors) no federal background check...which of course isn't any different than a private-party sale anywhere else. All licensed dealers must comply with applicable a gunshow or anywhere else.

Of course, as a result, gun shows are a haven for terrorists and gang-bangers:rolleyes: :uhoh:
The "Gun Show Loophole" is merely smoke and mirrors in order to pass legislation requiring ALL firearm transactions be conducted through a dealer. No more private party to private party sales. This in turn becomes a backdoor method of firearm registration.
The "Gun Show Loophole" is merely smoke and mirrors in order to pass legislation requiring ALL firearm transactions be conducted through a dealer. No more private party to private party sales. This in turn becomes a backdoor method of firearm registration.

If they managed to pass this, how do they plan on enforcing it?

Bill Meadows
Similar to the way they enforce the machinegun ban. To start with, you would be required to submit a list of all firearms you currently own. If you get caught with a firearm that you did not purchase from a dealer or was not already on your list, you are charged with a felony. No more guns, ever.

Some states already require transfers to be done through dealers. If you want to buy a gun from a private party, you both go to a dealer, pay him a fee, he logs the gun in his records and then transfers it to you.
According to the Feebs or the ATFers or whomever worries about such things, about one percent (1%) of all guns used in crime were bought at gunshows. While it's a dealy-loved bit of BS for the Grabbers, the cost effectiveness of such nonsense is zero, zip, zilch, nada.

Re what is this Gun Show Loophole, it is as follows.

Something that lives in the minds of media and political hysterics, some congressional staffers as well as the fevered brains of editorial writers.

Re what one finds in THE REAL WORLD, there is no such thing.
No so called "gun show loopholes" here in MD: all private handgun sales go through a dealer
or the State Police.

Interesting sidebar here, the radio ad (WBAL) for the Silverado Gun Show this weekend in Montgomery County actually said, "We have no gun show loopholes here, but we do have the largest selection of firearms and accessories."

I guess its to try and keep the gun-naive from freaking out, as WBAL is by far the biggest AM station in the Baltimore area. I'm sure they will still get complaints for allowing gun show ads.:banghead:
There is no "gun show loophole" in California, even though the Governator said during his campaign that he was in favor of closing it. If you find a firearm owned by a private party, and want to buy it, you have to make the purchase (or the sale) through an FFL, as was mentioned in an earlier post.
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