gun slinger trivia question....

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Jan 3, 2006
The Dark Side of the Moon
According to Wyatt Earp's written statement, this notorious murderer was "the only man who could compare to Doc Holliday's blinding speed and accuracy with a six gun"

Of whome did Wyatt Earp write?

(all you Arizona guys hold back and let the others take a crack first)
yeah, but was he accurate? According to what I just read he was accurate. A scumbag, but an accurate scumbag.
An interesting read.
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Where did "blinding speed" come from ? IFAIC its another Hollywood myth transposed into folklore !

Historical evidence recounts shotguns as the favored weapons of LEOs of the more "jubliant" of western cow towns , (where Wyatt Earp earned his early reputation) as a peace officer. Those living with firearms already knew better than to try conclusions armed only with a handgun of doubtful reliability and their uncertain accuracy in its use when facing a shotgun.

OTOH its reliabily recounted some famous western "shootists" were very good with the handgun. W. B. Hickcock was one. Bat Masterson another. Both excelled at hitting their mark at distances most wouldn't even attempt. The usual distance for settling disputes then - like now - was/is 5 yds or less. And there was no "walkdown" or "quick draw" from a holster as most carried their arms in pockets, waistbands or - in the case of Hickcock, a sash. People shot first, from behind if possible, and from as close as possible. Witness the reported circumstances of Hickcock's demise in Deadwood.

Billy Bonny was reputed to be a good handgun shot, but I've never read anything to verify that reputation. Most of the legendary "bad guys" seem to have gained their reputation by all too willing to shoot, not for any alleged accuracy. >MW
I can get behind that line of thinking and am willing to bet high end SASS competitors would put the real deal guys to shame if you put both groups on a clock. Of course doing it for real is a whole different thing, and the guys who can be fast about putting shots into a real person are much fewer and futher between.
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