Guns on Campus 50 years ago - No big deal

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thats really surprising in the 21st century. albatross was your school in the city or rural area
You guys must have been in the vanguard of shooting. Didn't the cross-legged sitting position come into vogue about that time? I remember being taught the fundamentals of shooting in the sixties, but was taught the open-leg position.

Wow, that's really cool, but pretty disheartening at the same time.

I suppose that's why people uses phrases like "the good old days."
I remember being taught the fundamentals of shooting in the sixties, but was taught the open-leg position.


Hi Tim: I started in '59'. My instructors were very against the open leg. Not stable enough for competition.

p.s. That position was hard on me. I couldn't get my legs to flatten out like they should for good stability, but even with that I had better control than with the open stance.
"p.s. That position was hard on me. I couldn't get my legs to flatten out like they should for good stability, but even with that I had better control than with the open stance."

And if you're like me, it's somewhat harder now.:) Of course, I never did very well with the open-leg position either. I guess open-leg evolved into crossed-ankle, and then to crossed-leg.

BTW, thanks for posting the great pics!

There was a rifle team in my high school. I learned to pistol shoot for my senior project. I graduated in 2001.
I'm delightfully and pleasantly shocked!!!

As a kid, I also used to carry my BB guns around town while shooting birds and rabbits.
I'm trying to move out to the country so my kids can have that type of childhood before it's too late.
The world was very dangerous in the 50s, you couldn't even walk down the street in the city in day time. Now that we have banned and put a lot of regulation on guns, keeping them from deranged college students, the world is much safer. Well at least it is safer for the criminals. LOL
Yeah my dad used to be able to ride his dirt bike and shoot at varmints at the oil fields in the late 60's to early 70's. Nowadays you can be arrested just for tresspassing in the oil fields, imagine what would happen if I had a thunderstick?

When my parents went on cruises not sure of the year (80's?) they had skeet shooting matches and my mom and dad did extremely well (1st I think) on the cruise ship. They don't have that anymore, heck my neighbor went on a cruise to Mexico a few weeks ago and he accidentally left a 1911 mag with .45 jhp in it that slid into a pocket of his suitcase. They forced him to give it to the local PD and he didn't even have the 1911 on him! its like carrying batteries for a camera you don't have.

Boy sometimes i wish I could live back in the good ol' days, but have modern computers so I can converse on THR ;)
All is not lost. I run the youth program at our local gun club. This Saturday we're hosting a trap shoot for local boy scout Troop #2. On the 28th, we have 21 girl scouts and their parents joining us for some .22 rifle shooting. They had an additional 38 girls who wanted to attend (with parents) but I'll have to schedule them on another day due to range constraints.

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