gunsmithing schools in the US

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Dec 25, 2002
Solebury, PA
Is there one school that stands out as the best for gunsmithing?I've only heard of two, on in Ft. Collins CO and one in Pittsburg PA. Is apprenticing a better approach?
Here are links to all the gunsmithing schools I know of.

Colorado School of Trades - Used to be the "name" school, but lately has deteriorated in the quality of instruction and graduates.

Montgomery College - Not only a good school ciriculum, but host to world class instruction through the NRA summer program. Take a look at the instructors, and you should be impressed.

Pine Tech - One of the very few that actually teachs CNC in their program. In my opinion their ciriculum is more oriented towards a production/factory job.

Trinidad College - An old and well established school, also host to the NRA summer program. In my opinion the day to day instructors lack some industry depth, but they have a good scholastic background.

Yavapai College - The only course of study to recognize that business sense is as important as working on guns for the guy who wants to start his own shop. The best place to learn engraving. But they actually have less hands on gun training than anywhere else.

Pennsylvania Gunsmithing School - Probably does more blackpowder work than the rest due to local interest, but a good school.

Lassen College - To me this is the best school still running. Course of study heavy into design and repair. Their summer program is also made up of world class talent. They offer more certifications than any other school.

Hope this helps.
I attended Pine tech I'll have to give them a thumb-sideways.
The instructors know alot of info but they have a tough time getting it on the black board and if you don't pick it up the first time your on your own. (I won't be there to hold your hand at ABC gunshop so suck it up) also the have not hade a good engraving instructor since I went there in 1995.
I attend Piedmont Communtiy College in Roxboro, NC. I rate it A+. The program here is self paced and mostly hands on.
I graduated from Colorado School of Trades about 3 years ago. At the time I found that they gave me what I consider a well rounded education in the trade. After being in business for 3 years, I have had very few problems that I have not been able to solve myself. The basics that I was tought have helped me do a good business. In the 3 years I have done extensive reading to agument my education. You will not graduate a master gunsmith from any school. That only comes from years of experience. CST does not teach you to be a master at anything. They give you a the basics to build on. The biggest part of their course is design and repair. They stressed the safety aspects of gunsmithing, which I have found to be a must in our law suit crazy world. I found that the only limit to what you learn is the limits that you put on yourself. No matter which school you pick, when you get to the D & F section, tell the instructor you want the hardest repairs they have. If you show them that you know what you are doing they will usually give you the real bastards. You will learn far more and get better grades in the process. CST has one of the largest gun repair shops anywhere. People bring their guns in for repair at a discount price and there is never a shortage of repairs to pick from. Because of the low repair prices you get firearms that need alot of work. I enjoyed the school so much that I was sad when my time was up.
Just my two cents - John K
Here is another Gunsmith School.

Murray State College is located in Tishomingo, Oklahoma. The Gunsmithing Program was started in the fall of 1979.
During the two-year program, several firearms factories conduct certification schools to qualify the current students on updated factory procedures and new firearms parts to perform work on their firearms.
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