Halleluiah, my wife has crossed over from the dark side

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Jan 17, 2007
my wife's uncle is a writer for a small paper in Montana and this is his article that did it. I think we are going to the shooting range to celebrate

Driftin’s America ~3

By: Driftin’ AaronG

Throughout most of my life I’ve had a wonderful opportunity to travel through most every state, and to the foreign countries of Canada, Mexico, South Africa and Great Britain. I’ve had the fascinating experience of talking and listening to many people about many different issues. One of the most important issues I’ve discussed with others is Gun Rights, and I believe it is an issue that we are faced with in the 21st century that could very well affect our Freedom and Liberty.
Within the country of Australia, a land similar to the U.S. at one time had a gun owning population. In 1996 their first ban on guns was passed in their legislature. Within one year after these new laws went into effect, homicides in Australia jumped 3.2 percent, armed robberies were up by 44 percent, and assaults up 8.6 percent. By 1998 robbery had increased by nearly 60 percent.
South Africa has one of the highest gun related violent crimes except for Columbia. Chinese Triads, Nigerian drug dealers and Russian Mafia have turned South Africa into their illegal trafficking headquarters. It is estimated that approximately 700 gangs operate out of South Africa. White South Africans (Afrikaners) have had to live in fear while others have left South Africa and moved to Australia, Great Britain and the U.S. since the passing of the new South African Firearm Control Bill (B34D-2000) which was passed by both houses of Parliament.
Searches and seizures can take place without a warrant by any person authorized by the National Commissioner.’ Fingerprints, palm prints, footprints and bodily samples may be taken by a police official without a warrant if he suspects an offence has occurred. Any firearms that are legally owned (which are very few) must be kept unloaded and locked in an approved gun safe.
If we’d just look back to the early years of Nazi Germany we might understand the facts more clearly: Hitler made firearm ownership easier for loyal Germans and part of the forces, as well as his organized youth brigade. Others who were not considered to be Germans were not allowed to own guns, and we know what happened then, a world war and the extermination of millions of unarmed Jewish citizens.
During Hitler’s reign, the Germans invaded many countries across Europe. The one country they would not invade was Switzerland. Why? The simple truth was that Switzerland was the only country left in Europe that still allowed its people to keep and bear arms. The Nazis, being afraid of widespread-armed resistance, left them alone.
Over the past several years I’ve read similar statistics on gun control in several newspapers around the country, and the statistics are staggering to the mind and always the same. I think more of us should be checking out past gun control legislation if we are to be knowledgeable about what our future may hold. Its been said by many over and over again that GUN CONTROL KILLS, and while the following samples listed below are only a few of the many, it is something for all of us to think about.
-1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953 approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-1935, China established gun control. From 1948 to 1952 20 million political dissidents who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-1956, Cambodia established gun control. From 1975 to 1977 one million “educated” people, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-1964, Guatemala established gun control. From 1964 to 1981 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-1970, Uganda established gun control. From 1971 to 1979 300,000 Christians unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

The total numbers of people who have lost their lives at the hands of their own governments have been estimated at approximately 56 million during the last century.
These were people who were unable to defend themselves because of gun control.
A Southern U.S. town is proud of its mandatory gun law. Kennesaw, a town north of Atlanta Georgia had little prominence until it passed a gun ordinance in 1982 that required all heads of households to own a firearm and ammunition. Kennesaw’s new law was in response to Morton Grove, Illinois, which had passed a gun ban earlier that year as a step to reduce crime. Since the law was passed in Kennesaw in 1982 there has been a substantial drop in crime…And they have maintained a really low crime rate since then.
It’s my strong opinion that if Democrats have a majority in the house and senate, and win the presidential race in November, they will have the power to pass legislation for more gun control and other social projects that can only harm a free America. Just leave gun rights to good citizens and demand that the courts severely punish violent repeat criminals, and the crime rate in America will dwindle sufficiently.
Conservatives really need to be waking up and speaking out. I believe our Freedom and Liberty may very well be in jeopardy if we do not stand by our Constitution and the Second Amendment. No matter what atheist or anyone else might say, this is our nation, “One Nation Under God,” forever more. Liberals can never take that away from Conservatives unless we sit back on our haunches and do nothing, and we’d best start speaking up now; Go to the polls and vote with knowledge, and not because some candidate of either Party gives a dynamic speech. Do your homework, and do your research as I’ve done, and learn what I’ve learned and let Freedom Continue to Ring in the heart of American spirit. Remember the “Rule of Law.” Let it ring for truth and justice according to the Constitution of the United States. Let us together Keep America Free.
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