Halloween gun thread. What if you live in a "haunted" house

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I can honestly say that this could not happen to me. At the VERY FIRST sign of any type of ghostly activity, the ghosts get the house.:what: :(

I dont even like to watch scarry movies with my wife.:uhoh:
I grew up in a house with some mighty peculiar things going on. Lights going off and on by themselves, animals refusing to go upstairs, cold spot in the hallway, and, I am not kidding, a brown spot on the wall that soaked through dark purple paint. Organs played themselves, typewriter running with nobody at the keys, window sashes throwing themselves open, a book being snatched out of my sister's hands.

But one night while my mom was working second shift and my older sister was babysitting the SHTF. Doors slamming and opening, the sound of a baby crying when I was the youngest at home at the age of 8. All of which culminated in the sound of a gunshot from the upstairs. We kids stayed huddled together on the living room sofa while we called my mom home. She showed up with two guys from her factory job, the cops hot on her heels. Nothing found amiss except 4 kids who didn't get ANY sleep that night.

We'd have moved out but it was the only house for rent in our price range. After we moved out a whole string of people moved in and out in the space of a single month before the owner sold it. I've stopped at that house when I am in my hometown, but never had the urge to talk to the current residents.

Just my experience, but this is a problem that can't be solved by guns.
A "friend" of mine, once saw, best described as a person's silhouette bathed in moonlight, walk across the rear backyard and into the rear of the garage area. Called for the rest of the brothers to search the entire house, yard, surrounding countryside. Nothing. Given the quick response, don't believe it could have been a real intruder, plus there was, I'm told, just something different about this "stroller" from the get go. So drawing on a "ghost" or them causing "trouble" is a real possiblity. At one federal installation, the security guards and the agents assigned to that place spoke quite plainly about "unknown" causes of "activities". They described shadows in secured areas and drums and bugles being heard.
"I can honestly say that this could not happen to me. At the VERY FIRST sign of any type of ghostly activity, the ghosts get the house."
"I would load up my guns and MOVE !!!!!"

yes, we all will be in the non haunted house, while the rest of you nuts go haunt hunting. have fun and try not to come home covered in green slime.
I swear our house is haunted. I, my Girlfriend, and our kids have seen them or it or whatever it is.

I can describe it as whiteish blue, fast moving, and eerie... Been a while since a reported encounter.
heck, most ghosts aren't anything to worry about...

We have one on our front hall: a cat. And yes, I know it's not one of the 8 that actually live here: I've come through the curtain that seperates the hall from the living room, having seen a cat in the hall, and found all 8 of ours asleep in the living room...

Dealt with different spookies in different places: haven't ever felt the need to be scared...
Jack Burton said:
Now I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in THIS universe.

That's my opinion on ghosts and whatnot.

First of all, I'd get a nice big crucifix--just in case a cross isn't eckzactly the thing you need.

Then I'd go for the silver bullets and rock salt.
There are a lot of places around here that are supposed to be haunted but I've only had one experience myself, I was working as a security guard at a local chemical plant and there was this one spot that was always dark and cold one of the security cameras looks right at this spot and sometimes you could almost see something moving in the shadows:what: at first I just wrote it off as a mix of boredom and paranoia but then one time while walking by this spot my helmet flew off my head for no apparent reason it was a white construction helmet and I had it pretty snug on my noggin(don't want ya'll thinking I'm a mall ninja:neener:) well for about a week after that weird stuff continued to happen I would hear someone call my name but no one would be around, something would hit my helmet (like a small rock) and everything would just be generally creepy in that area, then it all stopped and I didn't have any problems after that so then back in august I get a call from a friend of a friend, apparently he's now working on my old shift and wants to know if anything creepy happened to me in that one area:eek:
There was this one time when I was a kid, I got into this car and was carried for awhile until I got near this one point where there was a mirror and I saw this apparation sitting next to me with a long beard and a scraggly face, but I couldn't see him next to me without the mirror. When I got out of the car, I told my Dad, but he didn't believe me. I was really scared, but then we went on Pirates of the Carribean and everything was okay. :D
hey man that supernatural stuff is nothin to play with. call me childish but that stuff gets me good and scared. if its human or animal i know i can put two in its head and its dead, with a spirit that approach doesnt work. besides, theres always the chance you make it angry and it posseses you! :uhoh:
I know a lady who claims she grew up in a haunted house.

She's told me stories that are pretty interesting.

Apparently, she really did hear footsteps when nobody was there, and voices (although she claims you never could make out what they were saying), and screams, and things moved.

There was one time where they (the ghosts) all went kind of crazy and the whole family was scared for their lives. They all huddled up in one room and waited for hours until it stopped afraid to go anywhere.

I actually think this is an interesting question. I never stopped to think what that would lead to in terms of security related issues.

Whether or not there really are ghosts, and whether I should believe her - I don't know. I have my doubts, but I also believe somewhat. She's not the kind of person to make stuff up, nor is she crazy.

At the end of it all I kind of shrug and realize that we don't know everything yet about our own planet, let alone the universe, energy, etc. So I suppose it's possible.
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