Hammer-Control, Something Has Got to be Done!

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Feb 18, 2005
West Texas
Just heard on the news this Morning. Sweetwater, Texas just discovered their first homicide of the year. A man killed his "girlfriend" and her two young daughters with a hammer, then shot himself.

Bastard was too much of a coward to use the hammer on himself, I guess.
Few year ago at Purdue a grad student killed two fellow PhD students in biology with a hammer. (My client's son found the hammer in the Wabash while fishing/swimming).

Oddly I recall no outcry for "handtool control"? :confused: This is despite the fact that assault tools and small, cheap tools with no sporting purpose are sold openly in this state. :uhoh:
dont' get me wrong......

It IS truly a tragedy....

However, on another note, was that a pre-ban or post-ban hammer? Was it a "registered" assault hammer?

Some of these are pretty "deadly looking" and should be called "Assault Hammers" based on looks alone.
I think the Asian Claw hammer and the Rock Pick (Leather Handle) are the most aestheticly pleasing.
Belts, holster and sheaths...
Hmmmm. Might need to start a hammer collection soon if Congress doesn't begin to "Outlaw" hammers.
Baba, I applaud your progressive outlook; however, what about rocks? You have forgotten the "Rock Show loophole" that the National Rock Association is using to skirt Assault Hammer legislation.

For example just across the river from me this weekend at Purdue University a geology seminar is being held. All kinds of eeevil assault rocks will be on display accessible to children and felons! Little wonder that we lead the world in drive-by rockings.
A few years ago I heard that people in Poland were calling for a ban on baseball bats. Gang members were using them and the ball bat crime wave was soaring.
Rock Pick

As a geology major, I can attest to the effectiveness of an Estwing for many things besides their intended purpose.

Reasonable control is the only rational thing to do.
I faintly remember reading several years ago--- don't ask me where--- of a bill in the Massachusetts legislature requiring purchasers of framing hammers to prove they were carpenters. I don't think it passed. According to the story, certain biker gangs were supposed to be carrying hammers instead of chaions or baseball bats. About what you'd expect from a state that elects Kennedy and Kerry.
Now I see the need for a organazation to protect us who use hammers the way they are suppose to be used. The National Hammer Association will have to be formed.
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