Handgun locks

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Jul 17, 2006
Hehe maybe next time when we buy a handgun they won't be legally required to give us a lock.


Bush Expected To Nominate Industry Lobbyist To Head CPSC

President Bush is expected to nominate the chief lobbyist for the National Association of Manufacturers, Michael Baroody, to chair the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The CPSC has left semi-neutered status, opting for the full procedure. ConsumerAffairs.com writes:

"Because of Baroody's Republican ties and history of opposing strong safety regulation, his appointment is unlikely to be popular with the Democratic-controlled Congress."

The President plans to install Baroody over President's Day weekend as a recess appointment. The recess appointment, which is usually reserved at the end of a session or during the Senate's summer recess, will be effective until the adjournment of the 110th Congress in 2008. After that, if the Senate doesn't confirm the nominee, the position again becomes vacant.

Baroody's less than impressive pro-consumer biography is steeped almost exclusively in public relations work for major Republican figures. He served as Bob Dole's Speechwriter and Executive Assistant, and later as a flack for the RNC and the Reagan White House. Baroody has served as the chief spokesmen for the National Association of Manufacturers, a group the San Francisco Chronicle described as "an industry group that opposes aggressive product-safety regulation and punitive fines."

The CPSC's ability to regulate and fine serves as a powerful tool to protect consumers. We show each day that industry alone cannot secure the well-being of its customers. Baroody's past makes us question whether he will work for consumers or the industry. For the sake and safety of consumers everywhere, we hope it is the former. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER
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