Hannity igniting revolt against left-wing profs

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Old Dog said:
And quite a few more of us, though deeply saddened by the loss of our comrades, believe that we should, in fact, stay the course in Iraq ... which does not include the goal of establishing an "Iran-led Islamic republic" over there, by the way.
Well said Old Dog... +1
Folks, Hannity is supposed to be a partisan. That's his job. That's why he gets on the radio and TV every day. He's there to share his views. It's what his audience expects, and it's why he's been so successful.

To say that he's supposed to be "fair and balanced" or "unbiased" is flat out stupid. To say that he's wrong because he isn't balanced is an ad hominem. Can't you do better?

Hannity is correct. There are plenty of liberal profs out there (at my school, anyway) that don't hesitate to make you suffer for holding opposing political views. There are plenty of conservative profs here too. But I've never seen a student punished by a conservative for disagreeing.

I'm glad to hear somebody with a voice willing to stand up to the indoctrination in our colleges. Good luck Hannity, you'll need it.
If Hannity had any interest at all in even the appearance of balance . . .
Umm . . . isn't that why he co-anchors his program with a liberal like Alan Colmes? For BALANCE? And doesn't his program have plenty of liberal guests?

Is he a right wing whacko because he doesn't nod sagely in agreement with the "wisdom" of the liberals and toss them softball questions?

And Hannity HAS lambasted the GOP for things like out-of-control spending and their stark refusal to do anything about our borders . . . and he continues to do so.

I never saw any attempt at this kind of BALANCE from the likes of Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, or Peter Jennings, all shamelessly leftist/liberal Democrat partisans.

Though I don't always agree with him, Hannity is honest in that he - clearly and unambigously - indicates his position. He doesn't pretend to be a neutral observer. But, unlike many on the left, he DOES recognize opposing views, and is willing to debate them in an open forum.
Both sides have agreed that while in power they will not solve any one of the myriad problems that face our country. Therefore, we still have all the problems we had 30 years ago, and have added another bunch that also will not be solved. Meanwhile, we spend enormous amounts of money to bankrupt our country. A pox on all of them.
That about sums it up and describes the ride we're on. The Republicans and Democrats aren't opposing parties, they are partners; agreeing to share and exchange power over time. I have yet to see a statesman or a patriot among them.

And yes, Hannity is a lapdog for this administration. He regularly runs interference for this President's blunders; he refers to this President as 'brave' and 'courageous' when he is neither; he fully supports the debacle in Iraq and the huge increase in government in the name of the WOT. Sure, he's occasionally critical. He has to be lest he lose a large portion of his audience.
R.H. Lee said:
And yes, Hannity is a lapdog for this administration. .
I'll accept your assessment R.H. Lee if you'll conceed that the entire staff of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and PBS were lapdogs for Clinton?

R.H. Lee said:
He regularly runs interference for this President's blunders.
What blunders? Cite specifics? I know of no "blunders"... except, of course, cowardly Democrats calling for "cut and run" tactics in War since that have neither spine nor courage...

R.H. Lee said:
he refers to this President as 'brave' and 'courageous' when he is neither.
Your assessment, not mine or most Americans!President Bush is brave...

R.H. Lee said:
he fully supports the debacle in Iraq and the huge increase in government in the name of the WOT..
Our involvement in Iraq is part of War on Terror most Senators and Congressmen approved. I see no "debacle" in Iraq but a brave effort... perhaps you'd like to speak directly to troops assuring your safety back here in the United States by criticizing their actions? I didn't think so! By the way, "increase in government" spending was necessary as part of War on Terror... were you prepared to vote no on that increase then? Most Senators and Congressmen were not!

R.H. Lee said:
Sure, he's occasionally critical. He has to be lest he lose a large portion of his audience.
Sean Hannity is calling needed attention on liberal college profs that indoctrinate students with liberal paccifist anti-war mentality. Liberal college profs habitually do this since they (1) cannot hack life in the real world and prefer to hide in the Ivy, and (2) they cannot hack getting a real job. I support what Sean is doing in the interest of a college education which is divorced from liberal or conservative influence... Liberal college profs that rail against the brave military need to be exposed and fired. Period.
Leftists have been infiltrating our education system for at least forty years now. All Hannity is doing is grandstanding and creating a diversion from the increasingly obvious failures of the Republican party. If Hannity were the conservative he claims to be, he would consistently criticize all levels, and most of the policies, of the Republican party. It, and this administration, have shown themselves to be no more than big-and-intrusive government liberals. The acknowledged 'strategy' of the Republican party is to 'appease' conservatives without 'alienating' anyone else. It's not working.
If Hannity were the conservative he claims to be, he would consistently criticize all levels, and most of the policies, of the Republican party.

I guess you haven't listened to his show lately? He's constantly giving the GOP hell about their spending habits, he's constantly giving the current administration hell about the border situation, illegal immigration, and allowing illegals to continue working.
Just tune in to his radio show sometimes.
ScottsGT said:
I guess you haven't listened to his show lately?

I don't believe he even listens to the Hannity show; liberals rail against him but they know little about him or his involvement... just like Fox... they criticize it but they don't watch it.... they're glued to CNN!!!!!
Of course they watch cnn, nbc, abc, and cbs, because they are honest. Just the other day I was listening to martha mapes telling why she was right even though the papers "may" have been forgeries. That wasn't important because she knew the real truth. Gotta admire the liberals, where we can rely on them to tell us the truth, even though they may have to make up evidence, or omit part of the story or only tell the part of the story that is important. They have, after all, our best interest at heart, and it is their responsibility to guide us in the proper direction. Form opinion, heck no, they just want the truth, and will manipulate, lie, and destroy anyone that disagrees, until their knowledge of the truth is prevalent.
Danus ex said:
I'm on the fence with this--on one hand, directly attacking a student and a decorated war hero is really bad form, but on the other hand, we have a first amendment. .
Huh? So the prof can have the 1st ammendment, but not the student? Try doing what the prof did at YOUR job. See how far you get.
I wouldn't call FOX News conservative at all. They have a some shows with conservative or independent commentators that happen to be popular for some reason. They are not overall conservative, they are just NOT liberal, so all the lefties complain that they are right wing radicals. It shows the state of the media these days.

The entire political measuring stick has been pushed left these days. I wouldn't call Bush a conservative either. At least not a consistent conservative. There was a time when a strong, unapologetic foreign policy was common to both parties.

On Murtha, I heard 3 or 4 different conservative talk radio guys address those comments. Every one of them recognized his honorable service. However, they also addressed his present actions and the obvious fact that he was made the mouthpiece of the Dems on this subject due to his past service. We honor our veterans, but they are not above reproach.
This administration is its own worst enemy. It has abandoned the conservative base that brought it to power. It consistently promotes the expansion of government and the autonomy of the executive branch. It does this while spending beyond any previous level, accruing debt far into the future. It changes the 'goal' of our involvement in Iraq from 'regime change' to 'WMD' to 'democratization'. Hannity frequently can be heard saying 'the winds of democracy are blowing in the middleast'. :barf: "Hannity igniting a revolt against left-wing profs" is really no more than a smokescreen to direct the heat away from Republican shortcomings. Too little, too late.
R.H. Lee said:
It consistently promotes the expansion of government...

AN EXAMPLE PLEASE? I guess all that tax cut rhetoric and action was completely lost on you...
Camp David said:
AN EXAMPLE PLEASE? I guess all that tax cut rhetoric and action was completely lost on you...

Um, actually I think the fact that it is rhetoric is the whole point. We have whole new departments in the executive branch since Bush took office, whole new powers that were *never* meant to be handled by the executive branch have been put into place. That hardly sounds like anything less than an expansion of government.
c_yeager said:
We have whole new departments in the executive branch...

Actually the only new "Department" is the consolidation of several agencies and departments doing repetetive functions into a all-encompassing Department of Homeland Security; this should have been done long ago and is not a funding drain.... the reduction of repetitive functions into once central department will save money in the long run...
AN EXAMPLE PLEASE? I guess all that tax cut rhetoric and action was completely lost on you...
You're kidding, right??? You seriously deny an expansion of government during the Bush administration???? You never heard of PA I & II, creating new government departments and cabinet positions and bureaucracies and executive powers and FBI intrusion into personal records in violation of the 1st & 4th amendments, and the power to incarcerate even U.S. citizens without charges or trials, etc., et yada, et :barf: And the list goes on and on and on.

BTW, the token tax cuts with the all for show $500 advance refunds (what a joke that was) were necessary to pull the country out of the Clinton recession. The spending continues.................

Actually the only new "Department" is the consolidation of several agencies and departments doing repetetive functions into a all-encompassing Department of Homeland Security;
Go ahead and buy into that if you want. In the meantime what about Hidden contract spending?
Oh, and I forgot to mention, in the meantime Bush throws money around to pander to various groups, like the Medicare prescription drug 'benefit' for seniors, which really is just another transfer of wealth by way of government from the shrinking middle class to the elite pharmaceutical companies. Another rip off.
R.H. Lee said:
FBI intrusion into personal records in violation of the 1st & 4th amendments...
I assume you speak here of the Patriot Act. I support it. I does nothing to "expand" the government but cuts through red tape in order to prevent terrorism and detect terror...

R.H. Lee said:
and the power to incarcerate even U.S. citizens without charges or trials, etc., et yada, et :barf: And the list goes on and on and on...
We are at war, in case nobody mentioned it to you...Unless you have proof you or anyone you know have been illegally detained or otherwise affected, you are just bluffing here... The goverment has, however, detained battlefield combatants at Guantanamo and what they do with them, up to and including execution, I FULLY SUPPORT, since we are at war and such things happen in war.

R.H. Lee said:
BTW, the token tax cuts... were necessary to pull the country out of the Clinton recession. ...
That and reduce the size of the government largess, which they have accomplished. You have any idea what Democrats typically support in terms of government expansion which has been prevented by the current administration?

R.H. Lee said:
The spending continues
Beyond the war and war funding, which is necessary due to terrorist threat, you have yet to show one (1) single example of the current administration enlarging or "expanding" the government... not one!
Beyond the war and war funding, which is necessary due to terrorist threat, you have yet to show one (1) single example of the current administration enlarging or "expanding" the government... not one!
"There are none so blind as those who will not see" I guess. I voted for GWB the first time because I thought he was a real conservative. I even went out on Inauguration Day and bought a Marlin 336 "W" to commemorate the event. I voted for GWB the second time simply because he was not John Kerry. To say I'm disappointed is a huge understatement. He and the spinelessrepublicans have done long term damage to the party. So much so, that many of us will not be voting Republican again for a long time to come; Hannity and other apologist's antics notwithstanding.
You need to ignore the liberal propaganda...sounds like you've been drinking deep from their lies and distortion!

R.H. Lee said:
He and the spinelessrepublicans have done long term damage to the party. So much so, that many of us will not be voting Republican again for a long time to come; Hannity and other apologist's antics notwithstanding.

Sorry to hear your dissapointment in Republican Party.. So you're not going to vote for GOP...going to vote for a Democrat? That's really showing your loyalty! Our GOP has lots of fair weather friends... I could care less whether they leave...

"spinelessrepublicans"? My guess is that you've completely ignored the coward liberals who now want to cut and run!
Our GOP has lots of fair weather friends... I could care less whether they leave...
I've been voting Republican for the last 37 years, so I hardly qualify as a 'fair weather friend'. :rolleyes: Republicans have occupied the Whitehouse 25 of those 37 years, yet government continues to grow, and liberties continue to recede.

You need to ignore the liberal propaganda...sounds like you've been drinking deep from their lies and distortion!
Heck, I can't even get to the kool aid punch bowl....the line is clogged with Republican party hacks and apologists.
R.H. Lee said:
I've been voting Republican for the last 37 years...

So why change now? Consider the Party Platform=>

ON ABORTION: Bush has appointed conservative judges, made illegal mid-term abortions, and is against abortion. He's done more to overturn free abortions than Reagan or any other Republican president!

ON TAXES: Bush has held to no new taxes pledge, achieved tax cuts, and opposes all new taxes.

ON TERRORISM: Bush has taken the unpopular hard-line approach to terrorism, gone after it, and prevented further acts of terror on our soil.

ON GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Despite the ongoing war which has mandated war funding, Bush has opposed thousands of pet project spending by Dems.

ON SOCIAL SECURITY: Bush has recommended we fix bankrupt Social Security program before it becomes insolvent and among his solutions are privatization of some Social Security tasks to REDUCE the size of the Social Security program.

ON EDUCATION: Bush has reduced the federal education presence by transferring to states responsibility for meeting No Child Left Behind minimum education standards...

My guess, R.H. Lee, is that you just dislike Bush, because if you look at the Administration in sum total, lots of conservative accomplishments have been made by GOP...

However, you are free to vote for the other party....
Very few 19 year olds have enough "Life Experience" behind them to feel confident standing up to a "learned Professor" who has a couple of years of teaching and a degree or two attached to his/her name. It is therefore, refreshing to see/hear of someone in the media (political slant aside) seeking out evidence of "indoctrination", albeit I should think in either direction without limiting it to the "left".

'Twould also be nice if the youngsters of today would actually challenge their professors assertions with adequate response and rebuttal using facts and logic... but in a world where a large number of selfsame students hardly know or understand the reality of geopolitical logic, since it's not really shown on VH-1 or MTV, whaddyagonnado?

I encountered a similar situation back in '75, when our school had several hundred returning Vietnam Vets on campus utilizing their GI Bill. They were typically 5 - 7 years older than the average student, had been "Indoctrinated" by Uncle Sam and their experience in SEA and had NO PROBLEM standing up to the Professor's rhetorical BS when confronted with one sided emotional feelings passed on as "Higher Education" by men and women who had not served their nation wearing green. Several were "CHEERED ON" by us noobs when they actually did confront Professors in the classroom.

Hero's come in all shapes, sizes and fight battles at home as well.

Let us all hope that our returning vets can and will do the same when they come home and go back to school.

After one such confrontation in a lecture hall, whilst sitting in the Student Union drinking coffee, several of my friends who had returned from SEA did discuss their own "Indoctrination" process and agreed that while they were looking for more balance than "PRAY FOR WAR" and living in a world of hurt and death, their own direction would probably always be towards the right of Attila the Hun and that those of us who were too young to experience IT had better be able to spot BS coming at us from either direction and be ready to stand up against it or be rolled over and/or caught up in misguided fervor... again, from either end of the spectrum. I learned a lot from those fine young men. I learned my profession from my professors, several of whom had served back in '42 - '45.

Off the original topic and going with the veer... The left seems to focus on each War's negative aspects, never really understanding the help and hope that accompanies the destruction. The right seems to focus on the economic aspect of raking in the financial gain, never really understanding the help and hope that accompanies the reconstruction. Very few actually see or report on any good, positive results (when there are any) acknowledging the fact that broken eggs are required for their omlette, while the chickens go unfed here at home.

Kinda like those here on THR. Some are far over on this side, some on that side.

Fair and Balanced? What's that? ;)
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