Hans Hunt, Wyoming state congressman tells it like it is!!!

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Feb 21, 2004
Somehwere in 14T NT
Hans Hunt is my local congressman from my district down in Cheyenne. I LOVE this guy!! When you move into this state, it's best if you conform to our way of life. Now when some liberal hippie ****** moves into our state, that's bad enough. However, when she starts spouting off that we need to change the way we do things out here the same way they did things out east, Mr. Hunt has a wonderfully non-PC way of telling her to go pound sand!!!:D I LOVE WYOMING!!!!


Cheyenne resident Audette Fulbright and her family moved here last August from Roanoke, Virginia so that she could take over a preaching position at a local church. They had three to four locations besides Cheyenne that they were looking at moving to, but finally settled on the Capitol City because they felt it was the best place to raise their children.

However, they have developed some concerns over the recent discussion of House Bill 105, which talks about conceal/carry gun policy in schools. In addition, the whole issue of fracking has them concerned as well. So, Audette sent a letter to representatives across the state voicing those concerns.

But one of the responses she received has her and many others fairly upset. That response came from Hans Hunt of House District 2.

The letters from Audette Fulbright and Hans Hunt are below:

Dear Representative,

I hope you are taking care of yourself during this busy session. I know it is a challenging, compressed time.

I am writing to express my grave concern about House Bill 105. Ample evidence has shown that schools and guns do not mix, and in particular, guns in the hands of amateurs/non-professionals is extremely dangerous, especially in any highly-charged situation. to expose our children to greater risk in their schools by encouraging more guns on campuses is something that we cannot allow.

My husband and I moved to Wyoming not too long ago. We believed it was a good place to raise children. With the recent and reactive expansion of gun laws and the profoundly serious dangers of fracking, we find we are seriously reconsidering our decision, which is wrenching to all of us. However, the safety of our family must come first. We are waiting to see what the legislature does this session. I know of other new-to-Wyoming families in similar contemplation. Your choices matter. It would be sad to see an exodus of educated, childrearing age adults from Wyoming as a result of poor lawmaking.


Rev. Audette Fulbright

This one is from Hunt

Rev. Fulbright,

I'll be blunt. If you don't like the political atmosphere of Wyoming, then by all means, leave. We, who have been here a very long time (I am proudly 4th generation) are quite proud of our independent heritage. I don't expect a "mass exodus" from our state just because we're standing up for our rights. As to your comments on fracking, I would point out that you're basing your statement on "dangers" that have not been scientifically founded or proved as of yet.

It offends me to no end when liberal out-of-staters such as yourself move into Wyoming, trying to get away from where they came from, and then pompously demand that Wyoming conform to their way of thinking. We are, and will continue to be, a state which stands a head above the rest in terms of economic security. Our ability to do that is, in large part, to our "live and let live" mentality when it comes to allowing economic development, and limiting government oversight. So, to conclude, if you're so worried about what our legislature is working on, then go back home.


Hans Hunt

Representative Hans Hunt

House District 02
What a perfect response! Hans totally gets it. More politicians in conservative states need to to start taking a hard line stance against liberal intrusion. We all know the outcome when they don't.
I knew I shouldn't have watched the video of the woman speaking about the letter... :rolleyes:
You can sure tell where that phoney TV station in Cheyenne stands, the one in Casper is about the same.
We have some good people here, but there's enclaves of way out there leftists and serious anti gun types.
It is refreshing to hear a public figure say, not only, what he is thinking but what a lot of others are thinking as well.
We need more men of his character and metal in this current fight over the 2nd Amendment. If the liberals don't like the Conservative landscape - they always have NY, Nanny Bloomberg or Chicago as their bastions of safety and hope.
Buy Hans Hunt a beer or better yet go have one with him!

We have to love the mentality of these people. They moved seeking a better place to raise their children because where they came from was ruined. Now they want to start ruining the nice place they moved to by bringing their liberal ways with them and forcing them down our throats. I say Frack her!
Amazing how people embrace 1A rights when expressing their own opinions, then are offended when a response disagrees or isn't PC. Say it with me…HYPOCRISY.
I really wish I didn't have so much steel in me and could tolerate the cold... I'd move there in heartbeat. Or back to Alaska...
That's why I'm always leery of encouraging people from California or New York to come to Texas, although they are welcome, leave your crackpot ideas where you came from. There is a reason why you're leaving it.
Not fair Grassman, I live in NY but I sure don't subscribe to any of this NY liberalism. It is not about where you live or where you are from but it's all about how you think and feel. Drag yourself just about anywhere in NY north of NYC and you will find a gorgeous state with a lot of down home good folks.
That's why I'm always leery of encouraging people from California or New York to come to Texas, although they are welcome, leave your crackpot ideas where you came from. There is a reason why you're leaving it.

Living close to one of the few highways heading into Yellowstone and the Jackson Hole country, we're swamped with furriners moving in.
Then they gotta tell us how they do things back home and us hayseeds don't know anything. :cuss:
My youngest son and his wife recently moved to Rock Springs Wyo and have talked it up to me. Call me a believer, and Im making plans now to move there in the next few months. Id rather back people like this fine congressman than have to argue with fools. Places like Wyoming still carry the belief that the Bill of Rights is intended to recognize the rights of the individual, rather than a bargaining chip to be traded off for their latest pet project.
Go back where you came from, we don't cotton your kind here. 18th century reasoning at the dawn of the 21st, wonderful.

And the problem with this is??? Look, I turned down a pretty good job a couple years back simply because it was in the Peoples Repiblic of Califonia. I will NOT go around moving into a liberal state then go around demanding that they change to my beliefs nor will I tolerate some liberal toad coming into my back yard and trying to ram home their veiws of the world on us! You don't like the area, you choose not to live there and let them have their own little world all to themselves. Jesus jumpin' Christ on a po-go stick, you are from Kolorado, right? Have you been keeping track of what the PRC implants have been ramming through your legislature in Denver? This is the danger of letting liberals move into your back yard! I agree with Grassman in that for folks living in the PRC or New York that love their 2A rights to move into areas like Wyoming or Texas that does share their views. However, keep the rest of the big government, union thug, welfare loving, legalize illegals and drugs crap back at the hell-hole that you left in the first place. If you can manage that, we have a place for you. If not, well, I don't have to hire your kind nor do I have to rent you a place to live out here either!
I wish we had more people like Hans Hunt down here. I'm from NYC but I'm certainly in the minority when it comes to the way I think. I'm the same way down here in NC. All these fellow northern refugees escape down here and then want to change everything into what they escaped. They've all but destroyed the state. I think we finally pushed back but we'll see what happens.
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