Hans Hunt, Wyoming state congressman tells it like it is!!!

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I was going to stay out of this, but there is a reason why Hans Hunt has taken a bit of heat for his remarks. I am not the most PC person around, but as a 4th generation Wyomingite (direct descendant of early homesteaders), it does kind of irritate me when a junior politician doesn't seem to know the difference between maintaining Wyoming's fiercely independent heritage, as opposed to just being arrogant and abrasive.

Hans had better learn to deal with folks who are not native Wyomingites. After all, there has been an exodus of "Wyomingites" (born here) going on for many years. I believe something along the lines of 60 percent of our workforce are imports from other states. While I do happen to agree with the general sentiment of his reply to Fulbright's letter, I think he could have handled the issue better. There is a difference between caving in to political correctness vs. behaving professionally in his elected capacity. The young man (my perception of his age and experiences) has a lot to learn.
In Arizona we have much the same problem that Rep. Hunt addressed in his letter. Left-winger's, in our case mostly from California, are leaving to move to nearby states, and bringing their attitudes and ideas with them.

We, on the other hand are proud and happy to be everything California isn't, and dearly wish they would stay home.

Hunt's blunt reply represents what I often wish I'd said, but didn't.
I'm one of those 5th generations Wyoming ranchers. My ancestors homesteaded here before the turn of the last century. They came here seeking a better life and they built one.

Ol Hans just said what most of us feel. He could have phrased his response a little better, but we aren't going to give up what we built without a fight.

Signs at the borders say "Wyoming, what America use to be" and we're gonna do our best to keep it that way.

If you don't want to live the way we do, head south on I-25 to Denver, they'll be glad to have you.:cool:

Just to be clear, I've been scouting out places for a couple from back east that are tired of the liberal stuff they are putting up with and are seeking a place where they can live like citizens, not subjects.
They don't want to change Wyoming, they want to embrace it and build something here, not tear it down.
I'm meeting them tomorrow and taking them for a tour of places that might fit their dreams.
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Reminds me a lot of what we deal with here in north Idaho. Liberals move here from California and Oregon. Then they set about making changes to suit their way of life. They think they are preserving a wilderness and improving the quality of life for the ignorant native Idahoans who don't know any better. Thank goodness, the newbies say, for the educated pockets of Idaho in Moscow, McCall, and Sun Valley.

The latest in my area is the mayor is trying to revive her effort to enact state-level gun control laws that are even more restrictive than the Obama team proposed.
Ya see, that's the difference between me and people like Fulbright. I have only been here a little over a year (native North Dakotan actually) but rather than move down here and want to change everything, I came down here and embraced everything (well, not the goat heads...I mean, what the heck are those dang things about, really???:fire: ) and I'm fighting like a rabid badger to keep our jobs here! It's not that I don't like North Dakota (I love that state too) but I haven't found enough faults with Wyoming that I would want to change a thing! Well, ok, the wind could die down a little more often but there's nothing anybody can do about that so you just learn to accept it.
Grunt, you got say one thing about the wind, there isn't any air pollution in Wyoming!!:)

I went back and read Hunt's reply and found it succinct and correct. There is a tremendous lack of ability to "call a spade a spade" within the political realm and it's the down fall of the entire country. I agree whole heartedly with him on pointing out to the lady that she has no place trying to change a place to which she moved to escape the social ills of her former state, and wanting to make it like where she came from. It appears to me she has neither the fortitude to be independently self sufficient, nor realize the technology that keeps her fuel even 'sorta' affordable. Sometimes some people need a 2x4 up against the side of the head to open their eyes.

We wonder why there is no difference between the Democrat and Republican parties? At this point, the Republicans could not run a candidate who really assesses the political and economic realities of the nation. The populace is so dependent on the government, and have so abdicated their self sufficiency that that candidate would never get elected.

The Democrats, in their socialist power quest know this and do every thing to undermine the economy and military, brainwash our school children, pushing their social agenda to make more 'have nots', who will then, by necessity, have to depend on the government for survival. Thus, the 'takeover', however it will manifest, can be completed.

The Colorado Republican party in 2010 could not see this and split the party enough that the only reasonable candidate, Tancredo, with his starker than most attitude, could not over power Hickenlooper, even though he garned way more votes than the Republican Maes.

Without a major change in population, and in attitudes of the people, the American experiment will have run its course and will fade, like other societies before it.
Hans Hunt said:
We are, and will continue to be, a state which stands a head above the rest in terms of economic security. Our ability to do that is, in large part, to our "live and let live" mentality when it comes to allowing economic development, and limiting government oversight.

I don't think Hans was necessarily saying you can't go to Wyoming and live the lifestyle of your choosing. I think he was pointing out that the state is proud of its limited government, and that Rev. Fulbright should not expect the government to interfere and restrict free market business or an individual's right to carry.

Personally, if people tell me they don't like guns, I tell them that's ok. They have the freedom to not like guns. That's their choice, but I like mine and I have a right to own and carry them, so don't attempt to infringe on my right. Live your life as you see fit, and let me do the same.

Hans is my representative. I have known him for many years and never found him rude or arrogant. His words reflect the feelings of those he represents. I am proud of him.
The people on here who want to pander to the liberal leftists so we can coexist have to be smoking something. Do they not realize that is the same logic that the Obama administration is taking with the Muslim community? The same "we're so outraged at this video that sparked the protest is Benghazi" mentality. People wake the hell up!! It's called infiltration. And we are being infiltrated more and more everyday. Even on this forum people talk about trolls setting up dummy accounts so the left can see what we're up to. I'm all for introducing people into the shooting sports and have done so on several occasions. And I'm all about intelligent debates (if there is such a thing with a liberal). But I will NOT pander to a liberal moving to my town and have them trying to change my town, county, state, or country because its not run "their way". 18th century way of thinking? Hmm. Think that's more along the lines of preserving my heritage and my way of life. And I fully intend to preserve it. And to hell with their feelings. This is MY HOUSE. And you will not tell me how to run MY HOUSE. Politically correct? How about people start calling a spade a spade.
I dont know if its just me, but the biggest difference I see between the ultra liberals and the rest of us is that the rest of us seem to understand that not everyone is going to agree with us or mimic our lifestyle. The far left is bound and determined to force everyone to drink their particular brand of Kool-aid, like it or not.

What others do in their lifestyle is plain none of my business, just as mine is none of theirs. For whatever reason, it seems to bother them to no end that I choose to have firearms, hunt, fish and stay to myself for the most part. Their biggest mistake is their belief that they will change my lifestyle in order to make them happy. That is a fight, on whatever level they choose to escalate that they will lose. Ive seen more than enough compromise on our individual rights, and its the gun owners of this country who have done all the compromising.

No more.
+100 I think a number of us have been experiencing this, but few of us have a representative who is willing to call it like it is. Wyoming sounds like the kind of place that I would love to visit and do some hunting.
Good for him! About time someone quit the PC crap and just tell it like it is. Don't like the message? Go cry to momma. Can't wait to visit the state!
+1 To Rep. Hunt. If this Rev. Fulbright or whatever wants California-style laws, then she should move to California. Tolerances does not equate to pandering, and I stop being tolerant of other views when they actively work to impose their views on me.
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