Happy Fourth and Fireworks

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HI express

Feb 4, 2005
southern CA
Sorry for the rant..
Happy Fourth of July to you all, I hope that all of you had a relatively safe one.

(Now the rant):
Because of the fire hazards to homes, I usually stay home on holidays that my neighbors fire up the barbecue then they start using all kinds of fireworks. I have been following this practice for a while.

It kind of paid off this year. We have two new neighbors move in this year. They have been less sensitive then the other neighbors so when it got dark, they both moved their party into the street and started firing up their fireworks, they started out with the kiddy safe type then after downing more beer, they moved to the adult type fireworks..bottle rockets, Roman candles, and M80's. I keep a fire watch and I also concealed carry on my property..we used to have a gang of car thieves amongst other things not too long ago in one of the houses and they got rowdy on holidays.

So sure enough, I sat by my front door outside in the shadows, enjoying the cool night when I saw the bottle rockets flying across the street towards my house. I turned the hose on and put the one out that got to my property. Next they broke out the Roman candles. I pulled out the cellphone and called the non-emergency police number. I was told that it wasn't their concern and that I should call the Fire Department. I called the Fire Department and they said that this was a non-emergency so I should call the Police because these idiots were firing illegal fireworks.

By this time the results of the Roman candles were landing on the vegetation and on my roof. I had already wet down the roof and the vegetation but I started hosing down the stuff again.

I yelled to the neighbors to stop shooting the illegal fireworks. I got the cuss words both in Chinese and Spanish. Great.

I really got some choice words when I started spraying water on the street so that the water started flowing on the ground towards the area where they were shooting off the M-80's. There were also about 8 little kids there when they were doing this. I called the police this time and I reported what sounded like gunshots. (Some years back this was a common occurence a couple of blocks away at the high school.) The police responded and consfiscated their illegal stuff.

The adult males gathered on their respective lawns and were grumbling. I took the 12 gauge pump and placed it just outside of the front door as I sat in the dark. I also hooked the bandolier of shotgun shells on to the chair that I sat on. Close to 12 midnight I went inside. That's when they really fired a bunch of loud and illegal fireworks.

Figuring an escalation in their activities, I put out all the lights on in the house and set up the exterior lights which activate when the motion detectors are tripped. Then I turned on the computer, poured a cold soda, and got on THR with guns at the ready. Oh yeah, I just let the police know that the neighbors were acting up again and left it at that.

So how was your Fourth? Hope those jerks leave..they are renters. The properties change tenants every year or so.
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