Hard decision coming up

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My advice is this, make it VERY clear that you are in fear for you safety and the safety of your co-worker. Make this point clear not only to your boss but to your fellow employees as well. Then start carrying. If you ever have to use your weapon you will at least have established that you felt a real threat and were acting to protect yourself and coworkers. It might or might not save you from a criminal charge but, at least it gives you a chance, and more importantly you wont be dead or carry the guilt of having your inaction contribute to an innocent getting hurt.
I would not assume that any kind of attack will take place indoors only. Nutjob might wait outside.

Back in the 1980s we had one of those disgruntled ex-employee shootings. I think the guy waited at least a year after he got fired to invade the building using his car. Drove right up the ramp and through the glass doors into the lobby. This was after the unarmed security guard denied him access.

He was supposedly looking for the site director who had fired him. The shooter ended up killing three people and wounding a bunch of others over a period of hours. I think he had at least three guns on him. It took hours before the police decided to go in. They were trying hostage negotiation first.

Apparently the shooter brooded for months before acting. He ended up committing suicide in his jail cell.

Fortunately for me I had a doctor's appointment that morning. Otherwise I would have been very close to were the shooter entered the building.
W Turner

If you decide to go the body armor route, this may allow you to easily conceal a small handgun as well. Think j-frame .38 or Kel-Tec 9mm/P3AT. I have carried all three of those in the left armpit of my body armor

Out of curiosity, how did you pull this off? Did you attach a holster of some kind, or simply let the weapon rest between your body and the armor?

Sounds like a good method of deep concealment, I'd like to hear the details (strictly for legal concealed carry of course).
"But I'd rather spend a day looking for a new job than resting in a morgue."

Amen to that.

Last year a good freind's wife said they had to lay off one guy. Long time employee. He really creeped everyone out when he came back to work like nothing had ever happened. :) I mean the guy came in and ran his machinery and cracking jokes at lunch. Supervisor worked up the nerve to remind him that he didn't work there anymore. Then guy came in again like clockwork the next AM. My friend's wife was packing her .38 derringer that day. They finally had to get the cops to expell him on day 3.
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