Have we had a thread on this thing yet? the "Palm Pistol"...

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Dec 30, 2007


I personally refrain from comment... other than to observe that they are trying to get it qualified for Medicare...
Heh... That's what we call a "Gut buster" about all it's good for is point blank...

I can't see ever using that. Unless it was the "only choice"
Notice that it hasn't even been built yet. I think what the designer will soon find out if he builds one is that he's going to have to downgrade to a smaller caliber.

The great thing about a standard pistol design is that it recoils in a natural muzzle flip action. Your wrist and arm bend and absorb the recoil energies without damaging your body. With this design, there will be none of that. It will basically be like punching a brick wall in terms of what it's going to do to your arm from your wrist to your shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if it broke the wrist of an elderly person who's the primary target audience for this gun.
Notice that it hasn't even been built yet. I think what the designer will soon find out if he builds one is that he's going to have to downgrade to a smaller caliber.

The great thing about a standard pistol design is that it recoils in a natural muzzle flip action. Your wrist and arm bend and absorb the recoil energies without damaging your body. With this design, there will be none of that. It will basically be like punching a brick wall in terms of what it's going to do to your arm from your wrist to your shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if it broke the wrist of an elderly person who's the primary target audience for this gun.

So your saying that the torque of having your wrist bent upwards and back is far better then just straight towards you? A standard gun uses your wrist's motion to help dissipate recoil (Or should I say a persons wrist gives during recoil) If you were to transfer that energy to your arm/shoulder more it would be byfar better. Which to do you think can handle recoil more, the bones/ligaments in your wrist, or in your elbow/shoulder?
No sir. In a standard 9mm pistol the centered point of recoil is approximately 4-5" lateral from the midpoint of the palm. As the recoil forces of the pistol act on the wrist and elbow and cause the pistol to flip, the ligaments and muscles of the ulnar styloid and the triceps contract to resist the force and allow for a controlled, comfortable rise of the pistol in your hand. Basically, you have voluntary muscular action to resist the recoil.

With this palm pistol, the centered recoil will be mid-palm. Therefore, your wrist will not naturally cant medial, or lateral meaning that there will be no muscular compensation for the recoil forces. No muscular resistance means that the recoil has to go somewhere. Instead of the muscles of the arms absorbing the energy, it is channeled through the difficult to repair cartilage and bone structure of the arm which has little shock absorption properties. So, once again.....it would be like punching a brick wall.
Just some random thoughts... Physiology (and some experts) say a palm strike (base of palm) inflicts as much damage to an opponent as a closed fist, except there is less injury to the striker when using a palm strike. With closed fist, you risk broken /dislocated fingers. With a palm strike, the two bones (ulna & radius) stabilize the blow as opposed to the 4 knuckles plus the 4 fingers plus the 8 bones in the wrist... the more complicated and pieces you have, the more things can break...

That being said, due to the position of the pistol, it appears most of the energy will be project straight back into the palm of the hand. As for the muzzle flip, with the barrel between the middle and ring fingers seems more stable than a traditional pistol.

Think about a traditional pistol, the reason you get muzzle flip is because there is nothing to keep the barrel from going up. You have control over bottom half because that's where the grip is. Suppose a "traditional gun" had the barrel on the bottom (picture holding the gun upside down and squeezing the trigger with your pinky finger), which way is the muzzle going to flip when fired? It's going to flip down because you are now stabilizing the top of the gun. With this pocket pistol, your fingers stabilize the top and bottom and the only way for the energy to go is back... which is stabilized by the ulna and radius.

I have no idea why I thought I would put all that in a post, but that's the way my mind works, so if you made it this far, kudos to you!
Maybe they could use it to 'shoot pills' you wouldn't even need a glass of water.
This is just a big joke. There is no product, it's just a computer drawing of something that may or may not work. It may or may not be able to be manufactured or marketed. He may or may not have the knowledge or money to get any of this done. Attaching a price of $300 is also just fantasy if you haven't made any of them yet. It's just a guy with a computer drawing and a website, nothing more.
Remember to sign it back into 'Q' branch when you're done with your assignment. And I want it back in one piece this time!!

A couple of things. The advantage of a gun is that you don't HAVE to get close to the BG. This is why I don't like stun guns. If I am THAT close anyway, I'd rather use a knife.

And why just a 9mm? Why not design it around a shotgun shell?
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