Health protection options

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

If anyone has a higher resolution aerial photo of an urban area available, I can re-make it larger.

Inspired by:
I use freebie version of Google Earth. Might have to upgrade if I don't find other sources of aerial photos.
Blown away. That is phenomenal. :what:

But I would put the "options" underneath the map, over a lighter background.

I hope you can find some outlet for this one. It should be seen by ALL.
I like it.

Can you do a version where the options are in a drop down window? The pictures would have to be smaller but it might be a good look.


We need some of these done up on
condom sized cards and put in bowls of condoms in Clinics. College Health Depts...etc.

I'm a big believer in Trout & Reyes Marketing Concept- Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind
I agree with you on the AIDS reference, but not the gun. The flow from condom to phone to gun is NICE. Not only that-Girls like BIG guns too you know!

Oleg-mrtgbnkr started sharing your pics with me a few months ago and WOW! I'd plaster the outer walls of my home with them if my husband would let me and if I thought it was necessary where I live-but promoting guns in my town is redundant-the high school boys still carry rifles in racks on their trucks. Your work is MAGNIFICENT! Thanks for the work!

Oleg, another great one, I love it!

And I think the AIDS reference adds to the danger of the situation, I vote to leave it in there.
Oleg ~

I love this image, and the wording, and the idea.

Was just sitting here looking at it, and ... well, would it be very hard to substitute the "cop" gun for a "girl" gun? Might make the point even more clear at a glance.

Eleven Mike ~

Of course it is. :) You know, somewhere around here I've got a tee shirt bearing the legend, "Silly boys ... Glocks are for girls!!"

Kidding aside, Glocks are very much associated with the police, being the duty weapon for a significant percentage of LEAs in America. That's why I feel like the black Glock kind of muddies the first-glance effect of the photo, and why replacing it with something else might make that excellent poster even stronger.

Oleg, :D I don't think the 1911 is much more girl-associated in people's minds, but at least it's not quite so cop-associated.

I can barely get my hands around a Glock. At least think about a mid-sized model.

Using AIDS suggests that rape might not be so bad as long as it doesn’t involve any STDs. If you must use a disease, try picking something more common than HIV/AIDS.

~G. Fink
Hey, Pax, I think you're right about the gun.

But I can't resist saying that, if the poster needs a gun that everyone will recognize as a girl gun, the AR is the best choice. :p
Russian women carry Makarovs? Newer clones or original antiques?

Remind me never to date a Russian woman.

kidding...... kidding... I kid, I kid.
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