hearing protection

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Sep 2, 2006
Ok, this is going to sound odd, and maybe useless. But when I was in active duty in Afghanistan I brought along these ear bud looking things I bought state side at a gun shop.

They were "reactive" in a sense. Somehow the sudden increase in pressure from close small arms fire, or artillery would make them expand or something to that effect.

I could hear people talk, foot steps, vehicles, clearly, until I fired my rifle and then they acted a lot like standard hearing protection.

I ended up loosing them midway through my last deployment and for the life of me can't find them again. I know this is going to be a shot in the dark, but if anyone has any clues on what these might have been, let me know! Those things were great! :cool:
I saw something like that a while back and thought I bookmarked it but a I can't find it. I will be watching this thread to see if anyone else knows.
Possibly. They look familiar, but I don't think exactly. And way cheaper than the ones I bought. What I bought were about $30-35 a pair.
The ones I saw had three different sizes and you had to meassure part of your ear to know what size to get.
To HSO- No, they were like the ones perviously posted, but required a small battery.

and to TH3180- I like your Signature, and agree wholeheartedly. :)
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