Help installing sidesaddle on 870

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Ron Brooks

Jun 25, 2006
Panhandle of Texas
Folks I need some help. I'm trying to install a Tacstar sidesaddle on my Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 guage 3 inch Magnum. The directions say to use the two screws to push out the triggergroup pins, first one is the one behind the trigger. The problem I have is that they don't want to push out. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but they just don't want to push out.

Suggestions, better yet solutions? :)


I would not risk mushrooming the threads of the new screws. I would get a punch or use a nail set and TAP the pins from the right (ejection port) side to the left. They have detents that have to be overcome and are snug. What come loose on Side Saddles and needs to be loc tited is the Little screws that hold the shell loops to the backing plate. Do these first before installing the unit. DO NOT loc-tite the big and little thru screws that replace the pins, and snug them but don't overtiten as it can distort the reciever.:uhoh:
Got golf tees? Chopsticks? Those make good non-marring improvised tools for removing 870 trigger plate pins....

Gordon and Lee,

Thanks for the tips. I'll try to find something to use for a non marring punch. I ma end up grinding or filing down a cooper harness rivet and giving that a go.

Thanks again,

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