Help me decide on new 1911

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Dec 31, 2002
Los Angeles, California
Just got the Christmas bonus and want a new 1911 (I have a SW1911 that is great). I am looking at the SW1911sc and the Dan Wesson Bobtail. What do you guys think. Anyone with experience on both? Thanks.

I want something commander size, just because.

If you got a nice raise I'd go with either a Wilson or a Ed Brown. These are the ultimate 1911's and you will never need another.:)
I am looking at the SW1911sc and the Dan Wesson Bobtail.

I can't speak about the SW1911SC, however I did get to shoot a Dan Wesson CBOB that my friend bought a couple months ago.

He had the 'break-in' bugs worked out of the gun, and his ammo selection worked out. The gun was a sweet shooter. One of the most comfortable 1911's I've ever handled. It had a nice trigger and was reasonably accurate. He hasn't reported any problems with the gun.

In fact, now I think I gotta have one.:banghead:

I'll let others weigh in on the CBOB, as TMMV.

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I love my CBOB! She fits, she's made tight & she shoots great :D Now I did have a few hiccups that have been taken care of & I'm very happy w/ her :cool:


BM- do you know if any of those commander size sc (or steel ftm) sw1911's come w.their melonite finish?

Only sw1911 I can find w/melonite has a rail.

More specifically,

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