Help me think of new guns to buy before they're all Calibanned...

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Dec 25, 2002
Hi all.

I'm not going to purchase a handgun for a while, probably not until next year. (Well...maybe I'll get myself an Xmas gift... IF I'm good... :D )

I guess now after 2005 all handguns have to have a mag disconnect and then in 2007 they must have a chamber loaded indicator. (I might have those juxtaposed though...)

Anyhow, the point is that more and more handguns are going to be effectively barred from sale because the manufacturers won't want to meet the stupid new requirements. Of course I hope I'm wrong or that things change, but this is CA. :rolleyes: :fire:

SO, I know that I need a Colt 1991 A1 and a Glock 29.

Any more ideas? Maybe a nice six-shooter a small snub .357...and maybe even a full-size .44!

It looks like the Caliban are going after extremes o the really small & the really large. Handguns need to meet a size minimum in the city of Los Angeles, so I'd go after at least one subcompact. The city of LA is also trying to ban the 50 cal, so get one of those to!
Good luck on your quest.
you're kidding right? I don't see how they can impose a "size restriction" on a handgun. If this is true then I feel sorry for you guys south of the border (I live in Oregon).

Well if your looking for handgun ideas, I can recomend the Makarov. It's my favorite auto-loader, and it's CHEAP ($150). But don't let the price tag fool you, it's a fine pistol, Makarovs are very reliable...
I already have a Glock 27 and actually am considering a .50 rifle.
Anything .50

Colt 1911.

Reason Colt is while Springfield and Kimber seem to not mind with safety doodads and approving their guns in CA, Colt doesn't really seem to be after the CA market, so if you want a 1911 w/ a horse on it, I'd snatch one now.
Did they pass those indicator and disconnect laws?

I thought they were still cookin.

Realy, the thing to notice is tha the law declares guns not having those feaures to be inherently unsafe. So even if you buy guns that will be unavailable, I would not be suprised to see them confiscate them in the next 5 years. That or if you use one to plug a goblin, you will be in deep dodoo for saving your life in an unsafe manner.

Drjones - I know you are young and have family here, but my advice: move.

Texas has all the guns and pretty girls you could ever want - er, so I hear. I will let you know in the fall. About the guns at least :D
LA is banning lapdances and I think CA might go for protecting crossdressing in the workplace. I think.

When lapdances are outlawed....only outlaws will have lapdances. :barf:
I have to agree on the M1A. I'm actually surprised we're still allowed to buy them now. Get one while you can.
I believe those laws are still in the legislature. I have no doubt that they will be passed. However. all current handguns will be grandfathered in, not confiscated. However, upon the death of the owner, they will probably have to be turned over to the state (or something like that!). :mad: I think the banning of the few semi-auto rifles we can still buy will be banned in the near future(M1A, Ruger Mini-14, M1 Carbine, etc.). Get 'em while you can.
Well, they are going after everything that is even related, so ammo is a major concern. Firearms in military calibers will be easier to load, at least until they switch to "new" designs using "new" ammo types. Educating folks, and voting, is the preferred way to fix this mess. Moving is the only alternative.

Otherwise, Hi Powers and Smith magnums. I also figure they want us to use M1A's, instead of the AR's. So keep them happy by buying at least one. :).........
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THE M1A!!!!?!?!?!?!:mad:

tell me that they aren't going to ban the M1A. Are they just planning to ban it for sale or for importation as well (i.e. you have to register it by a certain date, otherwise it's illegal to own).

holy mackrel.

And if they're requiring a 'magazine disconnect' are they requiring a parallel system on revolvers?

holy, holy mackrel. :fire:
krept: There is no legislation pending which will ban the M1A. I was simply saying that they will get around to that type of semi-auto rifle sooner rather than later. As long as the Demos control California government, we can expect things to get worse, not better.
California is soon due to come under International Jurisdiction , with the Mexican colsulate handling all the funding, and you know how guns are looked upon in Mexico!:cuss: :fire: :neener:
well, that's good news that some semis are legal, but that is not much of a silver lining.

I was visiting family in SoCal last weekend and was surprised to actually see an advertisement for firearms in the newspaper! They were selling G26/G27s for a decent price... I had to chuckle when there was a caveat that said "these pistols not sold in Reseda" or something like that. I think they were selling Mini-14s as well. With the flowery vibe of the rest of the paper, I could just imagine soccer parents (it's men too) would be horrified at the prospect of a weapon pictured where children could see it! :banghead:

Funny, someone on another forum said that MTV censored the word "gun" in a song. Yikes. Ok, off my soapbox.

Drjones, for real, I would get a .50 or at least an M1A before they become extinct out there. Longarms are where the mojo is.

the heat is on out there, that's for sure. At least you have a really good reason to buy now!

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