Help with npr

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Apr 5, 2008
Some time ago, there was a list of questions that it was said would never be addressed by NPR. One of those questions concerned the positive uses of handguns or defensive use of firearms or something like that. I e-mailed the NPR Ombudsman and asked about the list. She claims she never heard of it. Can anybody help me with this one? As much info as possible, so I can cite it, would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
NPR is very liberal. Basically, they are anti gun.
They don't want to hear about positive applications of personal self defense.

There is no formal "list" of taboo subjects. To do so would reveal their leftist slant.

I live in the swamp and the only radio I get is country, rap or NPR. I have NPR on 24/7 (the talk keeps my dogs company). NPR is agenda driven. It's the anti-Limbaugh.
NPR is a forum for extreme Liberal thinking.
However, lots of good information as long as you filter it with Depends.
Actually this question was addressed at one time on NPR itself. No institutional memory I suppose. But there very definitely was such a list. Somebody!
Funny, this view of NPR as being extremely liberal. I'm not a big radio fan or NPR listener but on occasion I'll tune in. I don't think it's extreme anything, people on both sides of the aisle think it's either too liberal or too conservative. It's probably just the listener who is too conservative or too liberal. I think they give both sides a chance to speak in a manner no other radio stations do. That said, I'm not a huge fan of any media source be it Al Franken or Rush Limbaugh, both ****** bags in my book. They don't care about about our 2A rights, they care about ratings.
One thing to note is not all NPR is the same, there's lots of local/state programs. Quality obviously varies. Listened to a program on CCW, mostly CCW on campus once, and the host was pretty neutral, leaning in favor of, and the guest was very definitely in favor.
Heard lots of President Obama praise-a-thons as well. You take the good with the bad, or the other way around. Whichever. At least Car Talk is funny! :p
Well I dont listen to much NPR here, but from the little i've heard they seem to be liberal leaning, but not too badly. though i might have just caught them on a bad day :/

though i do have to say that among other talk radio, conservative hosts usually allow for people to call in and talk on the show, alot of which is liberal callers. liberal shows dont usually do much of that
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