High Court Rules Gov'ts Can Seize Property

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Carl Drega

Carl is a man who simply snapped. Was his reaction wrong? Certainly. Is it understandable? Yep. Is it going to happen again? Unfortunately i believe so - especially in light of this recent decision.

This one is going to get a lot uglier before it gets better. I remember having a conversation about the end of Claire Wolfe's time on one of the other political boards on the 'Net a couple years ago, and i said something to the effect of "The end of that akward time is coming sooner than we expect, but its not going to be over gun control or drugs or even the USA PATRIOT act. Its going to be over property rights." Now at the time, i expected it to be over something like the ubiquitous "wetlands" bull$h!t. Little did i know it would come to this.

One person like Mr. Drega can be dismissed as an unstable individual who overreacted. Thats certainly what I thought the first time i read his story. When it starts happening with more and more people, well, there are only so many ways to spin it when an 80 year old woman who was born in the house now being taken from her stands up and says "Over my dead body!".
But you gotta love the irony in the fact that Connecticut is the "Constitution State"

I saw this on a license plate and about p|ssed myself laughing.

When I explained it to my brother and a friend in the car, neither of them got it. :confused:
"The end of that akward time is coming sooner than we expect, but its not going to be over gun control or drugs or even the USA PATRIOT act. Its going to be over property rights."

I have almost that exact quote stated on a lot of boards, including this one. Great minds, or just stating the obvious?
The "awkward stage" part of it is a Wolfe reference. The reason for the eventual end of the awkward stage is the interesting part to me and I don't think that is a Wolfe reference. I don't know a lot of her, though, so it could be. Wouldn't matter anyway, I've been saying it a long time all on my own.
WOW! I read your link just now, Nick. This amazes me...

We've also now got some lively -- and usually quite friendly -- discussion forums, courtesy of Elias Alias, Bark, and LadyLearning of The Mental Militia. Debra also webmoms those. I just get to hang out there.

Elias, Lady, Scarmig, myself and others all started out on the old FREE! forums, before they closed them down(Mostly because of our year long battle with "Karl Drew" and a few other lefty-loons), then we wound up on Scar's Network54 "Liberty Griffin" board where we established "The Mental Militia" before many went their separate ways. Elias shows up periodically on my AP forums still. Scar and others are also at Striketheroot.com.

Heh, small world. Looks like I should have stuck a little closer to those guys...
The "awkward" reference is to this:

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

- Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Well, color my predictions of this pulling the plug on a nervous stock market entirely wrong. The market seems to have held on transfixed as usual by oil prices, the Fed, and consumer confidence which polled in higher than expected this week. Business as usual, this story didn't make most folks' radar. I still think this decision will undermine the economic health of the country, it will just take longer.
What a wonderful analysis!!

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

- Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

This sums up my thoughts and feelings. I do think we passed a milestone on 23 June.

The stock market movers and shakers probably are hoping to increase their margins and values by grabbing your property. So up it goes.

Here's a business idea that will make your stock soar. I would be doing it if I had the equipment. Print and sell t-shirts, belt buckles, bumper stickers--you name it--that has a picture of these five bastids hanging from a group gallows. The caption might be "The June 23rd five," or some other approproiate wording. A t-shirt, etc, with Uncle Sam laying in the street with a knife in his back and a note attached to the knife saying "Get outta here!" and signed by The Dishonorable Five.

These Five should never be allowed to look anywhere that there is not some reminder of their treason staring back at them.

I'm building a gallows and already have the effigies hanging in my garage. The nooses are laying on the floor about a yard away. [The furnace guy came in yesterday, saw the nooses and back out onto the porch. I had to go out there to pay him.] When the sun comes up on the morning of 4 July the scene will be complete with the flag flying upside down. [Distress signal]

I have the real heads of the Five. Plastic bags filled with sawdust!

It's not a great work of art, but I think it'll get the point across.

It's not a great work of art, but I think it'll get the point across.
Post pictures...

Let us know how it goes over and whether or not you get a visit from the local feds.

Might wanna talk to a lawyer first - there's a fine line between making a protected political expression and threatening government officials.
That flimsy board that's holding the rope isn't a threat to anyone. I'm glad I ain't trying to hang any real folks. Those damn bags full of sawdust faught me nearly to a draw.

I'll paint "The dishonorable five" on the sign and nothing else.

"No, no, orificer, I was talking about Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Tojo and Saddam."
"Have a nice day."

If I live thru the day, I'll post a pix or two if I can figure out how to do it. Art least I've got a digital camera.


I have almost that exact quote stated on a lot of boards, including this one. Great minds, or just stating the obvious?

I'd like to think its a case of GMTA, because unfortunately, it isnt all that obvious to most of us.
I've said many times, and for those who don't know me, I'll say it again:

We will see no end to this progression of the illegal usurpation of power until judges, politicians, and bureaucrats, while on their way to work one day, see their peers, tarred and feathered, swinging from lamposts. Until then, all of the words offered in this thread and on all other similar web sites are nothing more than words, empty and useless. It will never happen.

"For evil to prevail remains only that good men do nothing".

Pogo and Chairman Mao were both correct.

Have a nice day.
We will see no end to this progression of the illegal usurpation of power until judges, politicians, and bureaucrats, while on their way to work one day, see their peers, tarred and feathered, swinging from lamposts. Until then, all of the words offered in this thread and on all other similar web sites are nothing more than words, empty and useless. It will never happen. - StarPD

First of all, I wouldn't propose hanging public officials from lamp posts. Secondly, I don't believe they are evil or that there is any grand conspiracy in play here. I simply believe they don't know any better. When the Constitution is not firmly upheld, the mentality develops that the government can do whatever it wants to, and legitimately. Yes, a wake up call is needed, but more citizens need to be smarter than dirt and vote or otherwise participate accordingly.
Have you heard the phrase, "the banality of evil"? Evil may be real, but it generally shows up not in the form of Nazgul or Pol Pots, but rather petty bureaucrats who just do their job, day in and day out, and never pause to reflect on exactly what it is they're doing.

If you never pause to reflect, you can make the transition from enforcing traffic laws, to herding people into gas chambers, without ever facing some climatic moment where you have to make a decision.
I don't believe in hanging them from lamp posts either.

Lamp posts are not so apt to be noticed. You hang the bastids from a gallows arm where they swing in the wind and are more easily noticed.

Until the perps of the evil, such as the dishonorable five and any Property Piracy Pimps who glory in and use their ruling to their own advantage, start disappearing, this sh** will continue and get worse.

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You hang the bastids from a gallows arm where they swing in the wind and are more easily noticed.

Is that the "gun nut", testosterone position? I would say no, not guilty by association. THR as a place for anarchists and big talkers to hang out doesn't suit me at all. Posting irresponsible statements is not helpful. When it comes time to stand up for your 2A rights yet again under attack, it will help to be respected and taken seriously. Big talk is easy, even fashionable unfortunately, but it does more harm than good in my opinion.

We have real pro-gun allies in government who might take this sort of sweeping reference very personally.

My view would be that it is not the politicians who are the problem. It is the rest of the electorate who don't have the level of understanding and awareness to put the right people in office or to remind elected representatives what they can and cannot do with impunity. Politicians get away with this stuff, because the voters let them. Citizens too often ask only what the government can do for them as individuals. Pander to that, and what do you get? You get reelected.
The thread just turned in an inappropriate direction. Everything posted on THR and other pro-second amendment sites can and will be used against second amendment rights. More extreme the better.

Keep your rhetoric restrained and dignified or it will be used against all of us. :fire:
Besides, I don't know about you all, but many of my elected officials are pretty darn hefty. Wouldn't want to bend a perfectly good lamp post, and I don't like seeing anyone advocate that! ;)

Besides, I don't know about you all, but many of my elected officials are pretty darn hefty. Wouldn't want to bend a perfectly good lamp post, and I don't like seeing anyone advocate that!

Well there's always the wood chipper route...but that doesnt have quite the visual impact :)

Just a little gallows humor folks (pun intended). Not intended to be a serious suggestion.
Jokin', jokin', jokin'. Keep your shirt on, DZ,...

...or y'all will get a sun burn and the deer flies are awesome right now.

"It is the rest of the electorate who don't have the level of understanding and awareness to put the right people in office or to remind elected representatives what they can and cannot do with impunity. Politicians get away with this stuff, because the voters let them."

This is the core of the problem. I've noted in other places what my ideas are for getting to the voters and having some real pro-liberty mind set evolve in their heads. The fact that the present sell-out racked up a 94% disapproval rating within hours is nice.[AOL poll mentioned by Jay Leno] How do we keep it going? We didn't get in this hole overnight and we won't get out of it overnight. Methinks that attempting to blast our way out will bring the walls of the hole down upon us.

As has been pointed out, this sell-out may be a blessing in disquise. Wouldn't it be nice if that 94% said "ENUF!" and started working quietly to take back liberty. Fifteen minutes a day making phone calls, stuffing envelopes or talking to young people would be a great start.

And I jabbered with an off duty LEO yesterday evening at a fireworks show. His family homestead is apparently in danger of a PPP [Property Piracy Proceedure]. After a bit of discussion, I felt very happy that I was not one of the Property Piracy Pimps [also PPP] who was thinking of making the grab. So it appears that the sell-out doesn't make at least one LEO happy. After all, it is the LEO who may well be on the firing line trying to dislodge some fiesty homeowner and wind up having to shoot at someone he really feels a kinship with. Another reason I'm a non-LEO besides the fact that I can't shoot straight.

As for what should happen to the Dishonorable Five--I think they should be forced to live forever so that they can watch the bit by bit demise of liberty and be available always to be cursed by the victims of their actions.

I see that some of the members here have taken the name of the forum to mean that we must be above petty disrespect or dissatisfaction with our elected and appointed royalty. Further, I note the umbrage against my comments, and how outspoken those who oppose my viewpoints are. Apparently, some people are more equal than others here, and have assigned to themselves the role of arbiters of all that's good and right. Funny, but I see and hear the same tactics from anti-gun people, and leftists in general. Anyone who disagrees, or has a position that can be construed as "extreme", is considered wrong, and even dangerous. As if the feds are going to take my words and use them to knock on the doors of every member of this forum.

I'd suggest that the whiners and snivelers here hide in their basements and hope nobody notices them, that they not be called upon to answer for being associated with "extremists". Those who honestly believe in "Freedom of Speech", which for those who have been thoroughly educated in today’s so-called public schools and were never taught so, was specifically intended to protect political speech, even unto resistance to government oppression, are not offended by plain talk, even if strong words are used. In every group however, there is a percentage that trembles at the thought of "the authorities" "catching them talking bad". Such is the way of men. Even in our War of Independence, only a very small percentage of the colonists actually fought and supported the efforts of those brave enough to risk everything for freedom and justice.

Now we have come full circle, and many who claim in so many words to be "reasonable", "responsible", and even "honorable", are handing the wannabe dictators who would control us utterly, all they need to make things even worse than during the late 1700s. Today, we see the results of "voting", nowhere more clearly than in places like "The Peoples' Free Demokratik Repuiblik of California", Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and other States just like them. In those places, "voting" has produced such stellar stalwarts of liberty as Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Charles Schumer, Teddy Kennedy, and others. Then, we see the appointment though the efforts of these people, appointments for life, of people like Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, Justices Souter and Kennedy, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the list goes on. We see clearly the result of such delusion in the “accommodation”, “negotiation”, and other forms of “playing nice” practiced regularly by the so-called “Republican Party”, and even the NRA. Chamberlain’s “Peace in our time” speech before World War II should stand as an example of the folly of such groveling before tyrants. It was nothing less than force which brought the Nazi regime and the Japanese attempt at Pacific domination to naught. Now, many today refuse to see the truth in such courses. So they oppose anything as rash as “harsh" or even heaven forbid, "violent" (gasp!) words

Anyone who sees the progression of the destruction of America as it was intended, and as it was when it BECAME great, and who speaks out against the infiltration and infestation of subversives, who cannot possibly be stupid enough to not know what they are doing as they unravel the very fabric of our culture and society, is castigated and pilloried for saying what NEEDS to be said, vilified by self-appointed “reasonable men”.. Those who fear our masters may cower in terror. Those who only fear them a little bit may speak out, yet DO nothing. Those willing to act may earn retribution, but history will vindicate them.

I will say again:

"For evil to prevail remains only that good men do nothing".

Finally, yet again, Pogo was right, and Chairman Mao was correct.

If I am kicked off of this forum for my words, so be it.

My sig line is from MY words of the same title. I wrote it, and I stand by it.
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