Hillary in Iraq - What does this mean?

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Dec 24, 2002
Winter Haven, FL
Remember the photos from Vietnam with POWs using hand gestures to indicate they were under duress? What does this mean? :)
Remember the photos from Vietnam with POWs using hand gestures
North Korea - IIRC - it was the members of the THE PUEBLO - JANUARY 23, 1968

Picture is too funny though - - :D
i think hes crossing his fingers hopeing she dont get elected as president one day :( could be a distress sign too
Use of the Hawaiian Good Luck Charm is tradition within the US military when our grunts are under duress. Captives in North Vietnam developed its use to a fine art form.

Today we are a little more sensitive, hence a slight modification.
"That is a classic"! Of course if he had been wearing latex gloves (I have a phobia that liberalism can be spread by physical contact).........
you notice that his left hand is holding his cap (I think). But also it looks like he is intentionally holding his hand high, to be seen, instead of down at his side.
I despise Hillary's politics, but unless that soldier was forced to pose for that photo, I dont think he should have done what he did.
From what I know about Hillary, she was probably looking for a photo-op.
Maybe she picked him? It might not go well for him to refuse a senator and former First Lady, possibly causing her and his unit considerable embarrassment (although I expect the finger crossing might cause a little bit of that as well). Maybe just go along to get along?
Just another perspective.
Man, you guys don't remember grade school do ya? :D

Remember crossing your fingers to negate something? Like if you say something you don't really mean or if you make a promise, the hidden finger crossing means you don't mean it, and absolves you from following through with what you said.

Remember saying "I had my fingers crossed when I said that!"

Other variations were "My legs were crossed!" or even "My hair was crossed!"

Looks like I finally have an official answer....

"People in the public eye may have ulterior motives for wanting to visit Iraq, and the American public is not blind - the crossed fingers of young soldiers while shaking the hand of Hillary Clinton can attest to that."

Hunting Down Saddam: The Inside Story of the Search and Capture by Robin Moore
Picture shows that this guy has been thru Survival School. He's giving
the sign of "coercion" with his left hand. These hand signs are taught in survival school to be used by future POW's to send messages back to our intelligence services viewing the photo or video.

Just the look on his face is enough to tell me that there was no use of Photoshop involved here.
Sometimes it's good to be at the bottom of the totem pole, you can get away with something as awesome as that :evil: .
A Pig in Iraq...

He's crossing his fingers to control his middle finger from involuntarily saluting the lovely Senator.
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