Hillary's promises???!!!

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Nov 21, 2005
I can't wait for the next moron to tell me what a great president the Hildebeast would make. With a track record like this whoever opposes her should have a field day!!!


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:53 p.m. EDT
Hillary Clinton: NY Jobs Failure GOP's Fault

2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is telling upstate New Yorkers that the reason she hasn't delivered on her 2000 campaign promise to create 200,000 new jobs for the region is because Republicans control the federal government.

Asked about her jobs failure, Mrs. Clinton told the Syracuse Post-Standard: "I didn't have the benefit of a Democratic Congress. But I think given the fact that that wasn't the environment that I'd hoped for, we've seen some progress."

In fact, New York State has actually lost 112,000 jobs since sending Mrs. Clinton to Washington, according to the Public Policy Institute in Albany.

Still, Mrs. Clinton said she was "cautiously optimistic" about the economic climate in upstate New York, adding: "You'll win some, you lose some, but at least we're in the fight."

In an interview with the Utica Observer Dispatch, the former first lady also sought to deflect blame away from her upstate jobs performance, saying: "The fiscal and economic policies that are now pursued are not good for the whole country, but are particularly hard on upstate."
She isnt delivering because NY State and NY City are both terrible places to operate a business. Dont forget, it was unfair NY State labor laws overturned back in Lochner- they have been at that sort of monkey-business for a long, long time.

My current employer was originally located in the NYC are but bailed because it was too expensive. I grew up in NYC and I categorically refuse to live there, work there or otherwise give them a penny of my money to waste.
Personally, I don't think she can deliver on any promise simply because the only thing going for her is her name. If you listen to her you understand she has no plan other than to attack Republicans and complain about the current system. She can't verbalize any real plans about how to change what she's complaining about...she just complains.

But then again, I could say the same thing about my ex-wife and ex-girlfriends...hmmmmmm. :evil:
Hillary may not be able to deliver but it seems most americans love the Clintons.
They are all the same. If she gets in, she will not deliver on anything, and in desperation, will reach to the DNC's pet-issue of gun control and go all out for some sort of ban. That's what her husband did.

Amazing that they scream and wail over 100 other issues during an election, yet when it comes down to it, the #1 priority once in office is a gun-control bill. :uhoh:
2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is telling upstate New Yorkers that the reason she hasn't delivered on her 2000 campaign promise to create 200,000 new jobs for the region is because Republicans control the federal government.

Typical Democrat :cuss:
They're not concerned what so ever about the people or their own reputation. Just "how can we make the republicans look bad". while shooting themselves in the foot. What low lifes.
The really sad part is she would get millions of votes.
So who's really the low lifes? Her or her supporters?:barf: :barf: :barf:
So her excuse is that since her party is not in complete control, Hillary cannot get more jobs or acomplish anything else? Sounds power-hungry to me.
It's pretty much like I always told my sons when they were growing up:

There are two types of people in this world. Those that make excuses, and those that make a difference.

I guess we know which one the Hildebeast is.....:rolleyes:
When the rest of the country is doing pretty good with job growth, I think I read recently 31 straight months of job growth and an unemployment rate of 4.9%. Could it be that Democrat regulations on business is the reason why NY is not growing???

by Cuda When the rest of the country is doing pretty good with job growth, I think I read recently 31 straight months of job growth and an unemployment rate of 4.9%. Could it be that Democrat regulations on business is the reason why NY is not growing???

Cuda, good point. If you look at the worst states/cities to live in as far as taxes and lack of rights CCW, growth ect.
NY,IL,CA always go to the Democrats during presidential elections.:barf:
I think thats enough for me.:barf:
I just got throught reading an article by Victor David Hanson in The Claremont Review of Books that I found interesting. It was an article about immigration, jobs and assimulation.Comparing the recent ugly mess in France with the Muslim youth rioting and what may happen in the US with our large Mexican immigrants if we do not assimulate into a melting pot and let the new multicultarism rule. Any way the most interesting thing was that he said in the last 30 years the US had created 57 million jobs compared to just 4 million in all of Europe. Socialism is just working wonders over there. Not Hillary related but interesting. Capitalism is much better than European Socialism. They have a unemployment rate of 25% in France of those 26Y/O and younger!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek:
Time to act like grownups. If you want to discuss the political aspirations of an anti-gun politician, that's fine. If you post just to compare someone to a rectal opening, you might want to ask yourself whether you are contributing anything useful to the conversation.

And words like "Hildebeest" are just silly. Are her policies so unassailable that we have to resort to that?
And words like "Hildebeest" are just silly.

Don. What about Hitlery? :)

Seriously guys, Hillary is a shrewd politician. Sometimes voters elect very poor candidates just because they want change. The media and Dems have orcherstrated a great "everyone hates Bush and the Republicans" campaign. The public is buying it, so if Hillary gets the Dem nomination, look out! :eek:
Wow, Republicans seem to have no problems exporting American manufacturing overseas.

It appears that socialist gun grabbers don't have problems with it either.

They just have different methods for screwing the working man.
Really, she's turning off a lot of the non-leftist Democrats, too, who see her as a political opportunist who will say anything to get elected.

Thankfully. It could keep her out of power.
Wow, Republicans seem to have no problems exporting American manufacturing overseas.

I will just never understand the concept of "exporting jobs overseas". Do you really want Republicans to establish laws that we cannot buy foreign goods? Or that the number of jobs at any manufacturing plant must remain constant? Sounds like the Iron Curtain and Socialism to me.

Is there anything really standing in the way of you or anyone else starting up a manufacturing company? Build something innovative in the USA and people will buy it.
She loses credibility with every passing month. Trying to please everybody leaves her hated by virtually all. Many dems will torpedo her nomination on grounds of "unelectibility". If she manages to get past that, she can only win if the reps screw up big time and nominate another RINO like Frist or McKodos.

Maybe she is just a smokescreen for somebody "reasonable". Just like Howard Dean was for Kerry.
Sounds like Dick DeVos -- AmWay AKA Scam-Way for MI Governor

Sounds like our Governor-hopeful (scum-bucket) Dick DeVos. He was (is) an AmWay ScamWay muckity-muck. After he sent 70% of AmWay ScamWay jobs to China and closed the Michigan plants he's talking creating Michigan jobs?! Not. Politicians all lie. Just some lie better.

Guess DeVos' mother knew what she was doing when she named him.

No matter what politicians or Lou Dobbs says the government or politicians do not create jobs in the Country. People do. The government can twick around the edges to help or hurt. They can not make companies stay in the USA. The world has changed. The Union workers manufacturing jobs did not start disappeaing under Bush. This has been going on for decades. Just like when the industerial age began some lost but most won. Just another stage. The only thing the government can do is make laws that make Companies want to do business here and you will have all the business you want. But you can not force a company to stay in this country. That is impossible. I suppose we could become Communist and let the government seize companies. Some think we can just be some kind of socialist or nazi lite and regulate the heck out of them to force them to do as the government demands. That will be a diaster in the long run also.
Is there anything really standing in the way of you or anyone else starting up a manufacturing company? Build something innovative in the USA and people will buy it.

'Not sure what any of this has to do with Hillary. I didn't get to all the run up to your post but wanted to offer my take on this statement. As someone certified in production and inventory control I will say that American manufacturing companies are successful if they automate and eliminate labor content. The jobs still available are more technical and disciplined than any ordinary assembly worker model of what it means to work in a factory. Aside from that, without a focus on quality and service, the consumer will go for lowest price every time.

The decline of the American work ethic, partly due to drugs, alcohol, and too much use of credit makes it increasingly difficult to assemble and maintain a quality workforce. Instability of marriages is a significant factor too. Much of it results in an inability to concentrate. Wage expectations, cost of medical benefits, turnover, and the amount of parenting required by human resources departments makes American manufacturing increasingly unattractive. You simply won't achieve a competitive price and make any money.

American manufacturing companies increasingly focus on what cannot be cheaply imported like high grade steel, protected military technology, and prescription drugs. The only competition is domestic, and much of the business is with the government.
The reality is, government can only influence job growth in one of two ways:

1) Create jobs through legislation that establishes some sort of government project or relocation of major government offices into an area, or

2) Create financial incentives such as tax reductions, low-interest loans or subsidies to entice business to come into an area.

Obviously Hillary doesn't have enough political clout or credibility to do either..which is actually a good sign. But this is what comes of politicians who make promises but never actually explain HOW they intend to do it, and Hillary is one of the best at consistently doing that.

Actually, it's typically state and local government efforts that are more effective at creating local jobs than politicians in Washington. If Hillary were more astute she'd understand that concept and run for the state legislature rather than President...wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!!
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