HK Intellectual Property Theft?

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Good observation. Yes, it is prior art. Is it relevant? From a design patent standpoint (non-functional ornamental appearance), yes. Legally, however, they are different enough to be patentably distinct, but the prior art would be a limitation on its scope of enforeceability.

*I am a patent attorney.
Well Henry;

I'd be a fool to argue your expertise in these matters. However concerning the "ornamental" quip, Back
when you were busting up 2x4 blocks with your .22, I was annailating "zee germans" with my J7 OMA.
It was a devastating piece of armament, I can assure you!

My little cousin Mike always had to be "the German" when we played.

Hahaha! The little cousins/brothers/sisters always get the short end of the stick!
the blue helmets


my favorite was playing Buck Rodgers
Could I get a VERY high res scan of that ad? I don't care about the new stuff - just the 7 guns in one dealie... I'm thinking several megabytes at minimum. I want that thing on the wall of my rec room! Or, conversely, where'd you find it?
I spent a lot of time fighting imaginary Germans as a kid... but we also defended ourselves against:

Klingons, Stormtroopers, Red Coats (what you didn't have a toy musket?), The Spanish (when playing pirates.. another use for a musket and toy cutlass), invaders from mars, Communists, Apes (as in Planet Of The Apes: the TV Series), The Japanese, Dinosaurs and super villans.

I had a J7 (or something VERY like it) as a kid... very useful in most of the above scenarios.
Hey Bogie;

I just put "Johnny 7 OMA" into google image search, and there it was.

BTW, that search also linked up to some excellent real-media videos of the old
"Johnny Eagle" stuff.
My group just scrapped with the kids in the next blocks. I can't repeat what we called them.

It wasn't anything nice like Krauts, Japs, or gooks.
I remember having this pneumatic "rifle", that you put a drop of oil somewhere in the barrel and then cocked it. It was supposed to fire a puff of smoke. Well, I ended up removing the piece of plastic on the end of the barrel and would cock it and stick the muzzle in the mud. When you pulled it up, you had a thick "slug" of mud in the end that would fire out when you pulled the trigger.

This eventually evolved into pushing one of Mom's cotton balls in the barrel, pouring some of Dad's bird seed in and then another of Mom's cotton balls to seal in the bird seed. A birdseed blunderbuss.

I worried the kids across the street with that thing all the time - they were always on the run when they saw me with that thing...
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