Hollywood's attitude towards hunters, etc.

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Dec 19, 2005
CT, it's expensive here
I get a little tired of Hollywoods depiction of hunters and gun owners. I was watching that show on WB called 'Supernatural' and they had an episode where they had to find someone in the woods kidnapped by some man-beast. Well anyway, they took a hunter as a guide. The hunter was portrayed as a total a-hole; and, wouldn't you know it, he's the one that gets killed first. :rolleyes:
Then there's 'Bambi'. I blame that one movie of warping more young minds than any other about nature with its anthropomorphic opera. :rolleyes:
Now there's this new 3-D animated movie called 'Open Season'. Go see the trailer and see for yourself. Yup, you guessed it, the hunter is portrayed as a slackjawed, pickup driving, beer swilling, bore of a rube.
Those writers and artsy types in Hollywood just really get on my nerves sometimes.
The only celebrity that seems to have any sense at all about the whole gun and hunting thing is Tom Selleck. I think he's a good guy and it seems a lone voice of reason in the circus of Hollywood.
Yeah I have noticed the stereotype about guns and hunters. Ministers are most always crooks, blacks are criminals.

It's really just ignorance on the part of the creators of the shows.
Junk like this has been going on since movies started... Look at "Deliverance". After that film, everyone thought Southerners were inbred, sodomy-addicted homocidal maniacs. After "Sling Blade", all mentally infirm ppl spoke weird and killed. And the list goes on.

I think the solution would be to have a dedicated hunter/gun-owner type to start making movies. The problem is that we're all having too much fun with life to do it.

Well, personally I am a slack jawed, pickup driving, beer swilling, bore of a rube and a hunter: and I'm proud of it.

Actually, I agree that the folks in Hollywood are intellectually lazy. They haven't had an original thought in years, and box office sales are beginning to show it. Pretty soon, they may be irrelevant.
JesseJames said:
Yup, you guessed it, the hunter is portrayed as a slackjawed, pickup driving, beer swilling, bore of a rube.

Sad that this is the case.....unfortunately I chase off slob hunters every year that fit this description.
Also...look no further than "Law and Order" which always depicts FFL dealers as shifty dealers of death that are always willing be bend or break federal or state law to sell their wares and then will "hide" behind the cloak of the 2nd Amendment as they illegally sell guns to the bad guys.....sheesh.
Probably the worst portayal of hunters is in the movie "The Hunted,' I turned this piece of crap movie off after watching it for about 20 minutes.:fire:
The movie "Starman" depicted hunters badly, part of a long list.

Hollywood tends to be left, urban and elitist, and puffs its own ego by
tearing down non-left, rural and ordinary folks who they never want
to meet or comprehend (it might burst their self important bubble).

Hollywood folks are out of contact with reality, but are now crusading
in national politics based on their stereotypes and cliches. :grumble:

Yup, us slack-jawed, beer-swilling, landowners frequently have to correct the locations & attitudes of Mercedes dwelling, GPS fumbling, techie attitude, "hunters", who stray into the boondocks. It has at times, been educational on both sides of the equation.

:evil: 900F
JesseJames said:
I get a little tired of Hollywoods depiction of hunters and gun owners. I was watching that show on WB called 'Supernatural' and they had an episode where they had to find someone in the woods kidnapped by some man-beast. Well anyway, they took a hunter as a guide. The hunter was portrayed as a total a-hole; and, wouldn't you know it, he's the one that gets killed first. :rolleyes:

No dude, that was becase he was the skeptic not because he was a hunter.
"Also...look no further than "Law and Order" which always depicts FFL dealers as shifty dealers of death that are always willing be bend or break federal or state law to sell their wares and then will "hide" behind the cloak of the 2nd Amendment as they illegally sell guns to the bad guys.....sheesh."

I'm not surprised. The president of NBC is against gun ownership by civilians. Here is this quote by him.

"There is no reason for anyone in this country . . . to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun ...The only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns.”

"In fact, only police, soldiers -- and, maybe, licensed target ranges -- should have handguns. No one else needs one."

I never watch "law & order". I nag my parents because they do. I tell them to see "Road to Perdition" or "Sanford & Son".
Carl N. Brown said:
The movie "Starman" depicted hunters badly, part of a long list.

Hollywood tends to be left, urban and elitist, and puffs its own ego by
tearing down non-left, rural and ordinary folks who they never want
to meet or comprehend (it might burst their self important bubble).

Hollywood folks are out of contact with reality, but are now crusading
in national politics based on their stereotypes and cliches. :grumble:

Anybody watch "Wrong Turn"?
That's why I don't watch any nightly programs on network television. I haven't for years. My colleague here at work is watching Supernatural on tape even as I type. Quite frankly, after being away from network programs for a length of time, they all s*ck. I can see from outside standpoint the amount of social and political brainwashing that goes into these programs.

The legal/cop shows are the worst. Alot of the things they depict in their programs just are not accurate at all. I think the one legal show that comes the closest to being accurate is the original Law and Order.
One of the problems with mainstream hollywood is they they do to groups what they do to some actors. Typecasting. A small group of films with the same theme set some sort of standard for how everyone else should portray similar characters. Fortunately, there is the occasional movie that potrays these groups much more accurately. Thats why in the independent films that I try to work on, I pick the ones that don't go with the hollywood stereotype character styles and the ones that do, I try to throw my two cents in to see if they can make some subtle changes that make things more accurate. That's why I'm glad that I was chosen to be the tech advisor for the production I'm currently working on. It gives me a much better chance to be of some influence as to how the character types are portrayed.
there was a time, not too long ago, when actors and people associated with the "entertainment industry" of the time were not considered fit company for polite society. They were considered to be only marginally honest (perhaps because they made a profession out of portaying other people). Somehow, the camera changed all that, and today, celebrities are the most lionized people in the world--and this is an attitude pioneered by the US culture.

As stated above, the average Hollywood person has no contact with any other sectors of society--especially those who produce the products and services that make Western society possible--i.e. that give us the huge amount of leisure time that makes possible the very existence of Hollywood.

I solve the problem of Hollywood by not allowing it to enter my little space. I don't know how much longer that I can continue to fight this battle, as my girls will be growing up, and I can't shelter them forever.....
On the contrary, I suggest you do watch, at least occassionally. Think of it as intelligence gathering against the enemy. :evil:

Seriously, much of network television is garbage anymore. Even the comedy programming is often too political, or social. There are exceptions, but they are few and far between.
cracked butt said:
Probably the worst portayal of hunters is in the movie "The Hunted,' I turned this piece of crap movie off after watching it for about 20 minutes.:fire:

Are you talking about the movie with Tommy Lee Jones? If so, the plot goes on to explain that those weren't REALLY hunters. The movie still sucked though ;)

It's called "the idiot box" for a reason -

Come on guys, we keep beating this horse to no avail.

It's the entertaimentment industry (and I use the term loosely). This has several key implications:
1 - Good theater requires (assumes?) suspension of belief, that is, they admit going in that it ain't real. (hint: people go to the movies/watch TV to 'escape' their dreary lives. If your life isn't dreary, why bother?)
2 - The 'industry' is made up of people who are paid silly sums of money to play 'make believe' and to write 'make believe' stories for those same silly people to play 'make believe' in. There's a reason some don't consider acting to be honest work.
3 - Since these people spend most of their lives and energy in a made-up world, i.e. look at the crap they label as "reality TV", real life is inconvenient and rudely intrusive to them(which might explain why substance abuse is pprevalent among the glitteratti).
4 - It's all an illusion - form over substance, as long as you look 'marvelous', what wlse matters? Their lives are empty, so in their 'off' time they must create drama and fabricate an agenda that validates their existance and gives them a sense of importance. And it works because no one ever went broke underestimating the tastes of the American public (and perhaps much of the American public does, indeed, lead dreary lives?). If the slack-jawed rubes didn't buy their crap, they'd go away (we have met the Enemy and he is us -).

It's about Fantasyland. They can't relate to 'ordinary' people who enjoy a day in the woods, enjoying Nature in real time, with the upside possibility of some fresh meat unaltered by syntesized feed, growth hormones, warehouse/feed lots, and cellophane. "Oridnary' ain't sensational (most of the time, thank God) or particularly interesting or entertaining to the uninvolved, but we should all be happy that we have a 'real' life.
If you don't care for it then you don't have to watch it. There are sports and outdoor channels.
The legal/cop shows are the worst. Alot of the things they depict in their programs just are not accurate at all.

Add the CSI franchise to this. If I hear "the gun was registered to so-and-so" one more time I'm done with this series. I'm serious.

Hollywood and Manhattan can't enter your home unless you allow them to.
We need more movies like "Red Dawn"! Just think of how politically incorrect that "Hollywood" movie was! Teenaged boys that had been taught how to hunt by their fathers! Well-adjusted kids who, when confronted with violence, became "patriots", "survivalists" and "freedom fighters"! Family-oriented kids who were suddenly on their own to make decisions, live off the land, and to avenge the deaths of their loved ones!

Thank you, John Milius! You are a shining star in the cess pool of "Hollywood"!
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