Holster for Vaquero SA

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Jan 25, 2003
Who makes an affordable setup for cowboy action? Doesn't have to be top notch, I'll only wear it at my Dad's ranch when we work/shoot.
The most affordable way I know is to make your own. Tandy sells leather and tools. If you don't want to sew the edge punch holes and lace it - which is what a lot of the old-time cowboys did. If you need ideas post a request in the Black Powder sub-forum and all sorts of good stuff will come flying.

If you're not interested in do-it-yourself, check around at local retailers, gun shows and flea markets. You will sometimes find a box full of old holsters at very reduced prices. A holster that fits is fine, but don't pass up something that can be made to fit.

Brains beat money most of the time. ;)
If you're a lefty..

I'll send you one for nothing. Almost new holser that came with the double rig I bought. Maybe this needs to be in the pay it forward thread...... :eek:
Wearing on a ranch for work is different from cowboy action. For real life wear, I'd strongly suggest a flap holster. Cabela's has them under the title "Triple K Leather Flap Holster." These are much closer to what REAL cowboys used and are vastly more practical. The CAS holsters are for fast draw and show.
The Bianchi "lawman (strap&snap) is hard to beat in the car or on a mule. It rides high strong side and very smooth to draw.
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