Homemade Training Gun

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Dec 22, 2011
Ok so technically is 'workmade' since I did it at work not home but you get the idea. I work away from home on boats for a month at a time and have to fly to travel for my work. This makes it impossible to keep up with any form of training with real firearms while I'm gone. Professional or manufactured training handguns are very expensive and would still raise questions and hassle with airport security. With InstaMorph, I was able to make a "Training Gun" in about an hour with approximately 9oz (roughly $12) of InstaMorph beads (www.InstaMorph.com). I can use this training gun for grip consistency, sight picture, and muscle memory drills. The trigger may not move (other than slight flex), but I can also get an idea if I'm disturbing the sight alignment as I squeeze it. Then when it's time to go home, I can melt it back down into a ball, cube or sheet of plastic that TSA won't even think twice about. Or I could just put it in a checked bag, something I would never do with a $300-$500 piece of training equipment. Thanks InstaMorph!"


Trigger, Grip, and Slide.


Just after welding. The beads/material is clear when it's warmed to be moldable.


Finished product.


Second view.

Thoughts, comments, questions?
Functionally, that is the same as a Blue gun at 1/3 the price. Wonder if you could make a mold that would give you the same shape time and again?
I could make a mold, line it with wax paper or grease it with Pam it would just take alot more Instamorph.

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Pretty cool.
The first thing that came to mind was J Dillenger doing that with a bar of soap in Crown Point Indiana.
He used shoe shine black though....
How about buying a clear plastic water pistol and splitting it down the middle.
Take some modeling clay to weight and stick it back together.
What could they say?.
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