Hornady Scale?

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Jan 26, 2012
Rhode Island
Does anyone use the Hornady Bench scale? Not the 35 dollar one, the one on midway for 88 bucks.

The RCBS Rangemaster 750 has good reviews also, but the Hornady is a bit cheaper. Just wondering what scale you would prefer? I know this has been covered a bunch of times.

The scale I really have a lot of interest in is the Winstead Peters ACC-2000 which is on Berrysmfg.com but I don't see many people talking about that one?

I am and have been using a Frankford Arsenal cheapy that seems to work good but I am wondering if I am leaving anything on the table using such a cheap scale.

The scale I really have a lot of interest in is the Winstead Peters ACC-2000 which is on Berrysmfg.com

UPS delivered mine yesterday. Only had time for a quick plug in to test operation, so far so good.

I got it because I've never had a problem with Berry's products and they stand behind what they sell.

I also liked their goal for this scale was 100% American made.

From Berry MFG. When we decided to make an electronic scale, it was with the intention of having every component made in the USA. We didn’t realize how hard that would be until we were knee deep into the project. With the current state of affairs in manufacturing capabilities here in our great country, some components are simply no longer produced in the USA. With great effort, we are proud to say that all but a few items were made right here on the soil of the red, white, and blue.
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