House Bill 1178 - New Hampshire


Aug 26, 2019
can anyone help me wrap my head around this? I live in NH and am aware that there are no local gun ordinances at all in the state, well none that hold any merit or legal standing from my understanding of the state law, which explicitly says they do not apply even if they are passed. The only enforcable gun laws are the state laws, so - towns can pass or do whatever they want and it means nothing per state law. Now there is this passed bill that states NH does not follow Federal laws either, that is what I read when I look at this.

so, for example, it is a Federal law that says you can't carry in a public school, but - there isn't a state law that says this, so - this implies to me, that when I go vote I can carry concealed per state law, but it is still a Federal crime to do so. so, I won't do that since I'm not interested in breaking any Federal laws.

I was also interested by another post, so - I read up on the latest in NH, and was thinking about no gun signs on bars and restaurants, and I found this. So, as a 2nd question, my understanding in NH is that a no gun sign in NH means if you are concealed carrying, they can ask you to leave, and if you do not - then you are trespassing which is a misdemeanor violation. If you leave, then you are good.

I also don't understand if you have a firearm in your auto in the post office parking lot - if that is legal or not. or a bank, or school, or posted restaurant, grocery store. I try to figure it out and all I can figure out is the law is constantly changing. Can anyone point me at a resource that is current and can explain what I can or can not do. NH is a constitutional carry state, but I and most people here want to play by the rules, but they are difficult to figure out, when State Law and Federal Law and Local Law does not agree.