How do they feel now?

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Dec 24, 2002
All those celebrities that proclaimed they were smarter than the administration and all the generals in the Pentagon. The people who were saying "No war!" "Just leave those people alone!".
How did they feel this morning watching the scenes of jubilant Iraqis celebrating their freedom?
My eighteen year old daughter who up until this morning opposed the war says she feels different now, seeing how happy the citizens of Baghdad are to be free of oppression.
Is Dixie Chick Natalie Maines still ashamed to be from GWB's home state? Is Susan Sarandon singing a different tune? Are they all now willing to admit their ignorance?? :fire:
I doubt it. I guess it was easy for them (the celebs) to say those things before, but I mean, come on, they were riding his head down the street for cryin' out loud! How much more evidence of happiness do you need?

BTW: I was watching the CMT video music awards the other night and the Chicks got booed a few times.
Did anyone else catch ABC's coverage after the press conference today?

I just saw the tailend where they they showed marchers in I think Bagdhad carrying a sign that said something like "Human Shields go home, we don't need you wankers."

What caught my attention was when Peter Jennings noted to the audience that if they did not know what the term 'wanker' meant, to go look it up in the dictionary.

Anyway, while I have seen lots of pictures of Iraqi's tearing up Sadam images, I have not seen that particular march reported - I think that would be a cool picture to run on the front pages of every major newspaper in the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany.
I'd love to see the celebs come right out and admit they were wrong.
It would be even better if they gave some of their fortunes to rebuilding Iraq. (And maybe some to re electing Dubya.)
In reality they will never admit they weren't right all along.
Heck, they can't be wrong, they're famous don't ya know! :banghead:
It was pretty funny on FOX news they were quoting what all the celebs said and then compared them to some people in the Bush Admin, not one of the celebs had completed college that said these things, yet all the Bush Admin members all had Masters at highly recongnized colleges.
I'd love to see the celebs come right out and admit they were wrong.
I'm more likely to grow a third eye than ever see that happen. Wishing for this to happen assumes that these people care about the truth and reality. They do not. They are overwhelmingly narcissists and live in a fantasy land where they are the center of the universe. As such, they cannot be wrong. They may have been mistaken, but not wrong. ;) The laws of physics will warp around them as they protect the fantasy they create for themselves.

- Gabe
In case there was any doubt, a reminder: "denial is not a river in Egypt." They will -- and are already -- continue with their shrill handwringing about all those "millions" of civilian casualties, the "humanitarian disaster," and blahdiblahdiblah...

I couldn't care less about 99.9% of the Hollyweird types, but I confess to being disappointed in Viggo Mortensen. :(

Most of the celebs are ACTORS and ACTRESSES who have made thier fortunes because they are good at PRETENDING. Why should anyone take them seriously?
And the music entertainers are just that, not experts on world affairs.
The most fitting justice for these folks would be for the public to stop paying attention to them, stop idolizing them, and stop paying them to do what they do.
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