How far should we go to accomodate those with problems?

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nualle said:
If the perfume manufacturer has produced an allergen, they need to quit manufacturing it or reformulate it to remove the allergen.
Problem with that is that every aromatic or aerosolized substance is an allergen to somebody. Being allergic to something merely means that your body misperceives that it is a threat when it is not. It's easy to become sensitized to things, but not so easy to become desensitized to them.

Your "solution" would effectively shut down a whole bunch of industries. To extend it further, spring would have to be outlawed along with trees, flowering plants, bacteria, and just about anything else that contributes small molecules perceptible to humans to the atmosphere.

If this is the thread that will not die, maybe somebody should take it out back and shoot it.... :D
You know, this is starting to make sense. If someone's chosen action causes me physical harm, I have grounds for compensation. But what if in my case, somone's chosen action caused me mental/emotional harm? Do I get anything for that?

And how bad do I have to be offended, emotionally scarred, or otherwise upset to get some money?

Keep in mind I am really sensitive.

(also seriously allergic to milk)
Someday, I'm going to open a resturant JUST to post the following sign at the door...

If you want to eat here, be apprised of the following:
1: If you want to smoke, there is a smoking section. Pick any
table, that's the smoking section.
2: If smoke bothers you, read the above and go away.
3: If you are allergic to anything, either ask, and we will
tell you, or go away.
4: If you won't take control of your life, we CERTAINLY won't!!
5: If you drove one of those tiny little electric thingys, get it
out of our parking lot. It's for CARS!

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Way to go TexasVet. I would be honored to sup with you.
Operation Market Time '68-'69 CA-148 (radio call THUNDER)
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