How important is...

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Ale Golem

Feb 23, 2012
Port Henry NY
it to you to buy American?

I ask because I've been debating with myself over buying a S&W 686+ or Ruger GP100 for my first handgun. If buying American wasn't important to me I'd lean much closer to buying the Ruger. Luckily, well not really, I have over a year before I have to make the decision.
Most gun companies are multi-national at some level... I'm more concerned about who is EMPLOYED by the company than who OWNS it. The profits ultimately go to whoever holds the stock, who could be of any nationality... the PAYCHECKS go to people who hold the actual jobs.
Taurus is a Brazillian company, but their warehouse/ import people and customer service folks are working Americans. Cimarron imports from Italy and the Phillipenes... but the guys who profit from the sales, and the people they employ, live and work just out the highway from here in Fredericksburg. If I were in the market for that sort of gun, I'd prefer to give my money to a company that employs a guy who drives over to get a good deal on an air conditioner from my wife's boss, see?
I buy a gun that fits what I need. That only means buying American in the case of semi-auto long guns. The best part of capitalism is that the consumer gets to choose what to buy, and I prefer to buy what I think offers what I need. If the gun I want happens to be made by an American company, then I buy American.
Looks like there's no actual dilema here after all. And, as the "buy American/buy perfection" threads tend to get pretty ugly, let's let it rest.
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