How is Montana?

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90-95% of Montana residents own guns.
Montana gun owners have an average of 27 guns each.
Approximately 8.5% of all the guns in the US are in the state of Montana.
Where did you get the figures. I believe that 90-95% of people own guns but 27 of them:what: I've never seen someone that had that many guns. Although I wish I did.:):)
My My...

Honkys is it? How very high road.... replace Montana with Inner City Detroit and honkys with another term and what do you get? a racial slur.

So, suggestion, Griz, if that is your real name, please stay out of Montana. I was raised there and own property there that I will likely retire on... and we dont like racists and we are armed.... and yes, I can believe the 27 gun average. Heck, Between my father and I, we take care of quite a few of the people who only have a couple guns...

The hunting is not overrated you just have to know where to hunt i'm 14 years old and have been hunting for three years I have gotten 5 deer and 2 elk,thats overrated?.


Do ya wanna start an invasion?

I have only seen the western part of the state. It is paradise. I found everyone to be friendly. Heck, I even met a family from Georgia that went to visit and stayed. They run a little outfitter for hunting, fishing and horseback riding, as well as some cabins up near Eureka. They were very friendly and I will defiantly go back.
Seems to me the gun laws are a model for the rest of the country. Personally believe guns are the solution to crime, not the cause. We just need more in the hands of the good guys that the bad guys. Besides they have lots of bears. Oh, I loved the rural speed limits at 75mph (65 after dark). I guess the principle is, if a Moose (or one of the free ranged cattle) is in the road when you round a corner, you'll just go right through it, sort of ‘Back to the Future' style. All kidding aside, the distances can be so vast, if you could only do 55mph, you'd never get anything done.
I would move there in a heartbeat, but the wife can't take the cold. A clerk making small talk asked what the winter was like where we lived. My wife said "I guess it averages 30 or so." He said "That's no different then we have here, unless you mean plus 30." ;-)
I love MT. Not too many places you can touch off a .50 in your back yard and not end up in jail.


We got the goods, too...




But of course, there is the snow...


Yeah I suppose I should add our economy sucks, so you probably won't get rich here. But if you just want to live a quiet simple life, and be left alone, then MT is a pretty good place. The people and the government understand the importance of privacy, for the most part, and as long as you don't go around stepping on people's feet, you can do pretty much as you wish without interference. The college towns are the most liberal, but even they aren't on the scale of liberalism as known in other parts of the country.

Now who was it that said: "An armed society is a polite society"?

We consider it to be impolite to hold yer gork sideways.

Montana's beauty is legendary. One of my favorite movie lines is, "I would have liked to have seen Montana."

-Sans Authoritas
The hunting is not overrated you just have to know where to hunt i'm 14 years old and have been hunting for three years I have gotten 5 deer and 2 elk,thats overrated?.


Do ya wanna start an invasion?


Ok I have never even seen a squirrel. The gun laws are terrible I've been arrested 10 times for open carrying. The only time you will ever see a deer is in front of your car when you are doing 70.:evil:
grizfire said:
Probably a bunch of backwoods honky's with hundreds of guns stockpiled that drive that average up.

dravur said:
Honkys is it? How very high road.... replace Montana with Inner City Detroit and honkys with another term and what do you get? a racial slur.

So, suggestion, Griz, if that is your real name, please stay out of Montana. I was raised there and own property there that I will likely retire on... and we dont like racists and we are armed.... and yes, I can believe the 27 gun average. Heck, Between my father and I, we take care of quite a few of the people who only have a couple guns...

relax dravur, eat some dip. Besides, its too late, I too was raised in Montana, 5th generation, I have extended family and freinds there, I will also retire there, I own a ruana, I've rafted the Alberton gorge, I was a fire lookout there, and I can ski the headwall faster than Rosie O'Donnell can eat a bucket of ice cream. And yet, none of the Montana's I know are offended by the word honky, in fact they embrace it to describe themselves half the time.

Have you not ever listened to any country music? Honky is not a racial slur anymore, it describes us country boys.

Dravur, you said you don't like racists and you are armed...sounds like you are implying that you will shoot me if I use the word honky. And you claim I'm not being THR!
"backwoods honky"

"innercity *****r"

Yep, I guess both are not racial slurs, depending on who the speaker is and who he/she is speaking to. Don't ya love today's society? I can be called a honky, redneck, white trash, etc which is all politically correct. But government-forbid, if I were to use any of the prevalant words describing people who are not white I would be labeled racist, lose my job and be black listed by most of society.... and I'm not a 100% white either :)
What's a ruana? Is it that Colombian poncho thingy? They look kinda lightweight for Montana's reputed weather.

[ob guns]
Are they any good for a CCW covergarment? :D
I would like to have seen Montana

I first decided I liked Montana when I heard the governor had signed a bill forbidding state employees from implementing the Real ID statute. When I found out about the state's attitude toward guns and the 2d Am., I almost fell in love.

Wish I could afford to move there. :(
I'm moving from Wyoming to Montana in 11 months. looks like I have four more guns to buy ion the meantime (so I don't pull the averqge down).
And yet, none of the Montana's I know are offended by the word honky, in fact they embrace it to describe themselves half the time.

Have you not ever listened to any country music? Honky is not a racial slur anymore, it describes us country boys.

While I never took offense at being called a honky, a hick, or a redneck, I don't buy it not being a derogatory slur in some context. Perhaps distinguishing more between class than race, but still derogatory.

Your argument is akin to saying "n*****" is no longer a racial slur because black people use it to refer to each other all the time, and even take pride in it. You and I both know the "n-word" is still completely unacceptable in most contexts. It shouldn't be surprising that honky, or hick, or some other stereotypical term describing or implying those of us with rural backgrounds as backwards, ignorant, and generally impoverished could be similarly taken offense to, as well. Again, I usually don't care, but I could see how some could.
WHATS A RUANA????? will need to know the answer to that to be granted citizenship here......if you dont know the answer, the border guards will turn you around...........I have two, and use them!:D
While I never took offense at being called a honky, a hick, or a redneck, I don't buy it not being a derogatory slur in some context. Perhaps distinguishing more between class than race, but still derogatory.

Your argument is akin to saying "n*****" is no longer a racial slur because black people use it to refer to each other all the time, and even take pride in it. You and I both know the "n-word" is still completely unacceptable in most contexts. It shouldn't be surprising that honky, or hick, or some other stereotypical term describing or implying those of us with rural backgrounds as backwards, ignorant, and generally impoverished could be similarly taken offense to, as well. Again, I usually don't care, but I could see how some could.

fair enough.

I tell you what guys, I'll try not to use the word "honky" anymore since some are sensitive to it.

In the mean time, I'm off to get some bratwurst before this flame dies.
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