How Many Anti Gunners Will Move to Canada?

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Mar 2, 2004
Here is a link to NRO and the author Daniel J. Flynn:

Check out this statement from one of the blissninnies at the Million Moms Mothers' Day March:

"Ideally, I guess I would like to see a total ban on guns," held Bonnie Rock of suburban D.C. "But in reality, I would be satisfied with getting rid of the assault weapons and having some real bite to the laws in terms of people getting guns." Rock, who carried a sign reading "Bush: Whore of the NRA," believes the president is "destroying America." Rock explains: "He hasn't done anything right since he was selected to be president. So, there's nothing the man has done for the common good." She adds that she has already given serious thought to moving to Canada if George W. Bush wins reelection.

How many more of these nut jobs can we get to cross North into Canada by voting for Bush? If we could get even 1000 of them, it would be worth it.

What could we call this "railroad" heading north? The Canadian Pacifist Railway? The Burlington Ban Gun Northern? The Northern Pacifist Railway?

When do we start laying track? As a Minnesotan, who has seen the wasteful spending on a light rail system, I would welcome any rail system that would export these dolts out of the country.

Notice how these people all want to be like Europe? Our forefathers had to fight like dogs just so that we didn't have to be like the Europeans, and now these yahoos want us to be like Europe again. Those who are ignorant of history are bound to repeat it.
The other problem with all of these knot heads who promise to leave the country when conservatives are elected: THEY NEVER FOLLOW THROUGH!

I guess this fits right in with all of the other lies they tell in order to push their anti freedom agendas. Putz's, all of them.
You know what they say "great minds think a like"

You took the words right out of my mouth. "not enough"
The problem is they don't see any other part of the world they sit and think how mean life is in the States but they have never seen the "real World" and there for don't understand what it is like. They all want to live like socialist/commies where to govt takes care of you and you sit around and get fat and happy. Yet none of them have seen a socialist country. I have and guess what I am not having my great Country the United States turn into that, atleast not if i can do anyting about it.
Ok rant off. :D
If you got 1000 militant mommies to move to Kanada, that would be half of their entire organization. Didn't 2000 show up on Mother's Day?
Maybe this is the liberal leftist response to the "Free State Project" -- the "Police State Project." But will the wall around it be to keep people out or to keep people in. :rolleyes:
They are all mouth.

None of them are actually going to leave the US, regardless of what guns are banned and what Bush does. Remember back with Alec Baldwin and some of his Hollywierd friends said they'd leave the country if Bush was elected? Some groups offered him free airline tickets to his country of choice, but he's still here.
She adds that she has already given serious thought to moving to Canada if George W. Bush wins reelection.
Buh Bye! I might add that this statist creature should take as many of her anti-American friends with her as possible.

However, she won't go. Neither will the other antis. The simple reason is that they are all hypocrites of the first order. Too bad, because if they weren't we'd already be free of $hitbirds like Alec Baldwin.
I'd be happy with a "prisoner exchange", where these losers can move up here and pay 50% tax to support countless "refugees", and people who value individual rights and responsibilities can move to the US. The trouble is, it's a lot harder for me to move to the US than it is for these idiots to move up here, and we already have TOO MANY sheeple.
Well, they are all as dumb as cattle.... lets try and find away to herd them up and make a Canada bound drive. Maybe our cowboy president can help us.
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