How Many of You are "Bored" with Guns?

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Like check it out, today was a quickie machine gun shoot, so there a bunch of guys are, I got 2 Sterlings, guy next to me with an UZI with a drum, theres a SBR FAL9loud) next to me, and an AK, an RPG, M60, Izzy FAL LMG, even an AR180 ya know those 22s...

Ya know what got my eye...when the guy with the MP5 pulled out an 1903 that was cool!

I think Im gonna become a cruffler.....

Wildsprayandpray isboringAlaska
I've gotten kind of bored with revolvers lately. I've been reading more about semiauto handguns, especially SA autos like the 1911. I got my first SA semi recently when I purchased a Star BM. I've really enjoyed the difference.

I've also become interested in rifles in the 6mm-7mm range. It's a range I've ignored until I bought my 6.5x55 and now they get my attention instead of larger calibers.

gee wild, i feel like i should do something to help you out of your slump. tell ya what, since i'm such a considerate nice guy (read POS) i'll take your place at all upcoming machine gun shoots. i'll pick up the guns and ammo from the shop, shoot em, and return em. that way you can eliminate one 'boring' task and chore from your hum-drum life.

better yet, i can do all the test firing for you! that oughta free up a lot of your time.
I got bored with firearms *buying* for a number of years. I had one too many encounters with rude dealers at gun shows, and the fun just went out of the whole thing for me.

I never tired of the guns or of shooting, though.

For a few years I got into coin collecting, and let me tell you, most coin dealers are so rude and obnoxious that they make your average gun-show dealer seem like Miss Manners. So I've drifted away from that, and am gettnig back to guns a little. I think tougher economic times have improved the service at gun shows.

Or maybe it's just me.
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